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  • Remembering Wing-tsit Chan

    1995)p. 466Copyright 1995 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA -----------------------------------...been particularly moved by Professor Chan's accounts of his childhood in K'ai p'ing, in the rural ...

    Bloom, Irene


  • Some Ancient Remains from Bhubaneswar

    ·期刊原文Some Ancient Remains from Bhubaneswar By Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.Journal of the Bihar and ...off in large fragments. It was held by Rajendra Lal Mitra that the lingam was really an ...

    Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.


  • 佛教信徒濒死经验之研究-以嘉义四位信徒为例

    seeing the light, being surrounded by the light, seeing beautiful colors, entering the light, encountering souls I have categorized the contents of my interviews and discussed about them item by item Based...



  • 以四部《阿含经》为主综论原始佛教之我与无我

    interpretthem only by looking at their renderings in ChineseBuddhist texts, misunderstandings are bound ...realize step by step"no self" and "no mine" up to the completeextinction in of pride and the direct ...



  • 《大佛顶首楞严经》“耳根圆修”之研究

    大佛顶首楞严经》“耳根圆修”之研究  【英文标题】A study on the Universally Penetrating by Srotrend Riya in Surangama Sutra ...---------------  【中文关键词】楞严经|耳根圆通|观音|如来藏心   【英文关键词】Surangama Sutra ; Universally Penetrating by ...



  • 《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的“菩萨十地”呈现的修道历程

    attain by means of Marga-jbana is the Bodhisattva’s first stage or by-passed eight stage of non-...important, since many Buddhist scholars make arguments over it by finding their standpoints from different...



  • Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West

    ·期刊原文Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the Westby Donald S LopezReviewed by Donna ...to enter Lhasa, is far more mystifying. Long fascinated by her exploits, the Fosters ...

    Donald S Lopez,


  • Humanistic Buddhism of the 20th Century

    Buddhism.   The rebirth process is determined by karma, the actions and the results of those actions...state of existence, they are controlled by a karmic effect. Even the deities seem to have little control...

    Lewis Lancaster


  • 世界佛教大家庭的共同语言——佛教音乐——兼谈佛教音乐的历史与未来

    Chinese language Buddhism and Tibetan language Buddhism. The languages used by Buddhists from ...and admired by Buddhists from all over the world. The phrase "Buddhist music" is a modern term, ...



  • 《杂阿含经》中佛陀对病苦的教示之研究

    the Buddha’s original teachings how to response the life’s vyAdhi-dukkhA topic by vimutti-magga.   In...principal axis. Finally, by the yathAbhUta, virAga, vimutti- nibbAnaM, achieved the effects of ...


