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  • Transformations of `emptiness

    (n8) Thus, Nagarjuna's intent was primarily soteriological, while his method wasprimarily negative,...

    Gregory K. Ornatowski


  • Translating Nishida

    major works and mentioned some parallels with Buddhist ideas.[8] Nishida acknowledges his ...

    Maraldo , John C.


  • Transmetaphysical thinking in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism

    sense of beings." [8] But for Heidegger, man is more than his relation to beings; he also has a ...

    John Steffney


  • A Buddhist Critique of Some Secular Heresies

    while this striving that seems so natural today was unknown to medieval man." [8] (Burckhardt) The ...

    David R. Loy


  • Tsung-mis questions regarding the Confucian absolute

    capable of producing, the thing itself is certainly noneternal."(8) He gives a Buddhist ...

    Yun-hua Jan


  • Two Main Streams of Thought in Yogacara Philosophy

    vij~naana), (7) subconscious mind (manas), and (8) store mind (aalaya-vij~naana). Of these, the ...

    Yoshifumi Ueda


  • Two Strains in Buddhist Causality

    -empirical) are coterminously equal.[8] There is a collapse or coalescence of the two realms when ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Two Studies in the Arthasastra of Kautilya

    Artha`saastra (vi,1, 3 and 8) `sakyasaamanta is used ss an attribute which aking and country ... of which I have notidentified any. In canto ii verses 8-15 consist of thewell-known series ...



  • Two Traditions of India -- Truth and Silence

    like me,' he answered. 'Where are you going, Ayu.smat?' 'I am going to Varaa.nasi.'" [8] p. 391 ...Lankavatara Sutra (London, 1932), p. 121. 34. Cf., note 8 herein, pp. 210-211. 35. Wayman, "...

    Alex Wayman


  • Uses of Dialogues and Moral Understanding

    intimation may be achieved by waving a stick or pointing a gun".[8] This is one feature of Confucian ...Resnik, 'Logic and Methodology in the Writings of Mencius', International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (...

    Cua, A. S.

