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  • Valentinian Gnosticism and Classical Saa.mkhya

    Valentinian Gnosticism and classical Saa.mkhya as indigenous developments. [8] Using as primary sources...

    Stephen A. Kent


  • Vasubandhu on the Vatsiputriyas fire-fuel analogy

    different from its fuel, since each has a different defining property.(8) ...

    James Duerlinger


  • Vasubandhus Treatise on the Three Natures translated from

    Khapa(7) and mKhas grub.(8) The adoption of this commentarial tradition, ...

    Garfield, Jay L


  • Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses

    8) alaya, or storehouse, consciousness. They are described in detail in the discussion of the ...



  • Vietnamese mode of self-reference

    thinking about the cogito? I'm doing no such thing! V-expressions are not, of course, proper names. [8...University Press) p. 77. [8] The hunchback, Igor, refers to himself as 'Igor'. And thus, accordingto Lycan...

    Steven W. Laycock


  • Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upanisads?

    conjecture, is only a restatement of the thought of the Upani.sads from a new standpoint." [8] He is quite ...

    Pratap Chandra


  • Where text meets flesh

    different senses.(8) As I shall demonstrate, the practice existed in China ...

    James A. Benn


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    " [8] We are talking then, apparently, about two diametrically opposed programs of endeavor, ...translation by de la Vallee Poussin is to be found in Le Museon, vols. 8 (1907), 11 (1910), and 12 (1911). ...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Whiteheads `actual entity and the Buddhas anaatman

    disjunction of nature and mind."(8) Rather than disjunction he was interested in...

    Kenneth K.Inada


  • Who is Arguing about the Cat?

    the Way. Though there are some other talks about thinking in zazen, yet this talk is one of them. [8]...i, 1978), pp. 8-9. p. 397 Who is Arguing about the Cat? Moral Action and Enlightenment ...

    Douglas K. Mikkelson

