lived for an entire century, transforming herself at will from a political radical in France to a student of yoga in India, a chanteuse in Europe and Indo-China an ...
Donald S Lopez,
quoted by Prajnakaramati in his commentary to Bodhicaryavatara, ix. 58.
...found in chap.iii, translation, p.191, 1. 18 (compare vii, p.84).
4. ...
Louis de la Vallee Poussin
比丘犯这条戒律将受到不定的处份。1. Should any bhikkhu sit in private, alone with a woman in a seat secluded enough ...可能受任何这三种处份:Parajika, Sanghadisesa, 或Pacittiya. 或者任何其它女信众所描述的情况。这件事是不一定的。
2. In case a seat is not ...
are two religious sanctuaries well preserved in northChina's Shanxi Province. Compared with other Buddhist temples only a dozens of kilometers away in the other part of Mount Wutai,which attracts ...
孙 侃
LionPublications, 1987. Pp. 226. $14.95.
David Ross Komito, in his preface to this new translation ...perceiving subject" isthe fundamental distortion in the cognitive process thatgenerates attraction ...
David Ross Komito
them in the traditional framework of "ground, path, and goal." His emphasis upon the middle term justifies "meditation" in the book title, although the philosophic ...
Mark Tatz
searching for pasture. But sometime in May, in the remote Nagchu area, high-ranking ...their whereabouts," says Tenzin Atisha, an official in the Dalai Lama's government-in-...
Tim McGirk
way of understanding what "the here and the now" is. This is, in fact, the only way to know what it is, for it is in this way that one knows what one is talking about. As long as one shies away from ...
D. T. Suzuki
There will be big changes in the spiritual life of Australians by 2020 with the number of people who do not believe in a religion increasing by more than 50 per cent to 5.5 million.
本篇录自《华雨选集》第 225-243 页) 页11 导师的话:研究佛法的立场与方法 法光学坛第五期(2001) Studying Buddhadharma in Depth: On ...lacking in physical health, I am afraid my mind is, too, not longer what it used it used to be and I have...