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  • The Indian Religion of the Goddess Shakti

    sacred feet, Her heart, Her mind. p.7 It might be ...



  • The Investigative Interrelatedness

    investigation of consciousness, including, of course, its qualitative aspects.[7] Thus, physicalism and ... 1969), p. 5. 7 See, for example, The Essential Writings of' Merleau-Ponty, ed. Alden L. Richer...

    Mary Carman Rose


  • The King of Siams Edition of the Pali Tipitaka

    are as follows: p. 7 It will have been noticed that ...

    Robert Chalmers


  • The Lamp and the Wind in Tibetan Buddhism

    ), reality (tattva) is seen clearly.However, even if there be the retention [7] without discernment ...

    Alex Wayman


  • The Law of Karma and the Principle of Causation

    is kamma: having intended, one does a deed by body, word, or thought.'" [7] Actions performed ...

    Bruce R. Reichenbach


  • The Logic of Four Alternatives

    if one of the four alternatives stated is true, then the others are false.[7] There are, in fact, in ...

    K. N. Jayatilleke


  • The Logic of the Illogical: Zen and Hegel

    the word. [7] However, it is by no means an artistic method which depends entirely upon mediumless ...Dai Shichi Maki, ("Writings from Suzuki Daisetsu," Vol. 7) (Tokyo: Shunshu Sha, 1952), p. 201. 10. D...

    Ha Tai Kim


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    for the philosophy of Naagaarjuna.[7] The failure of excluded middle is also observed by the ...

    David Drake


  • The Logical Form of Catuskoti: A New Solution

    not understandable (Poussin). [7] Catu.sko.ti statements, somehow, relate to the four Laws of ...our interpretation that we take 'exist' in example 7 to mean the same as 'eternal', but this seems to...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • The Lotus Sutra and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

    those two (vehicles) in the whole universe. "[7] Anyway, it "clearly demonstrates that Buddha world ...

    He Jingsong

