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  • The Lotus Sutra and Whiteheads Last Writings

    preach the Dharma to them. [7] So there is one truth, but many ways to it. Now I find in this ...

    Grange, Joseph


  • The Mahāyāna Deconstruction of Time

    under the influence of wrong belief (avidyā). This may be taken as the Modal-view of reality....[7] ...March 1985). 10. Chāndogya Upaniṣad, Vl.viii.7ff. 11. Of course this insight is not confined ...

    David Loy


  • kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen masters

    " for achieving enlightenment, it positively "binders" our progress toward that goal. [7] With such ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The meaning is the use

    " for achieving enlightenment, it positively "binders" our progress toward that goal. [7] With such ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The Meaning of Vairocana in Hua-yen Buddhism

    at hand, Fa-tsang says that this nature has two aspects. First, it is immutable, or nonchanging. [7] ...

    Francis H. Cook


  • The metaphysics of Buddhist experience

    downward numbers 1 through 6, 7 through 12, etc., any combination across and ...anything else (paratra nirapek.sa). then it must be a monistic system.(7) His logic contains ...

    Francis H. Cook


  • The concept of the Absolute in Chan Buddhism

    ."(7) If this claim that the Mind is the Buddha is difficult for scholars...

    Yun-hun Jan


  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    nor "revisionistically" metaphorize it like Ricoeur. [7] The mythical story that is paradigmatic for ... the Oriental Institute, Baroda 18 (1968): 1-7; Rosane Rocher, "'Agent' et 'objet' chez Paa.nini," ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    various other sects and schools; [7] second, Hui-neng's "knowledge of at least seven great sutras" [...Platform Suutra, chap. 7 in Lu, Ch'an and Zen, 3:67. 55. Hisamatsu, Zen and the Various Acts, p. 27....

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    Buddhists'] foundation iswrong, everything of theirs is wrong."(7) Together with hisbrother Ch'eng Hao...hereafter cited as Taisho), Vol. XLVI. No. 1911,5a- 7b/52-100 (esp. 76-78)2. Tsung-mi,(h) Yuan-...

    Edward T. Chien

