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  • 九十二波逸提法(Pacittiya )

    bhikkhu lie down in the same lodging with an unordained person for more than two or three consecutive...down in the same lodging with a woman, it is to be confessed. 6. 任何必丘和女人住在同一房舍。犯 Pacittiya. 7. Should ...



  • Chan Buddhism: Logical and Illogical

    turned to logical analysis, in the Middle Way, [d] or Maadhyamika, tradition in his search for ...approach to reveal man's primordial intuition. Born as he was in the seventh century, Yung-chia became ...



  • Notes on the Language of the Dvavimsatya

    Speyer's MS. D belonged. The language in which it is written resembles that of most of the Northern Buddhist texts in particular the Vicitrakar^nikaavadaana-that is to ...

    R. L. TURNER


  • 导师的话︰佛法所以超乎世间法

    makes Buddhismdifferent, better than anything else in the world?This can be discussed from two ...point of vie w,buddhadharma does not emphasize that an individual ispractising in a herm itage –– ...



  • Buddhist Spiritual Environmentalism

    no conflict, no opposition, and no discomfort in life. Among the major cultures around the world, ...mind. As what Buddhism Sutra indicates: “Form follows the mind,” what one thinks in mind appears in ...

    Master Jing Ding


  • Paradoxical Logic

    ----------------------------- p. 155 In his interesting essay "Psychoanalysis and Zen ...proper thinking, [sic] are natural and universal ones; that what is illogical in one cultural system...

    Perry, John


  • 来自全球各地的佛教徒在菩提伽耶祈愿世界和平

    the revered Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya, considered the birthplace of Buddhism. It was here that ...to sources in Bodh Gaya, Buddhist devotees from America, Britain, France, Japan and other countries ...



  • A Buddhists Shakespeare: Affirming Self-Deconstructions

    come to find in his intriguing study of Shakespeare. Howe shares with many others the notion that ...Howe, the three masters or philosophies alluded to in the book's title - Buddhism, Shakespeare, and ...

    Sidney Gottlieb


  • Chan metaphors: Waves, water, mirror, lamp

    finds that it can express itself best, not in cold and hard concepts, but in ...Indian philosophers oft used stock metaphors to support their argument. In ...

    Whalen Lai


  • A Taste Of Heaven And Earth: A Zen Approach To Cooking And Eating

    achieved in a blending ofingredients and flavors that are characteristic of both the East and West....index. A TASTE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH is highlyrecommended to any reader interested in expanding their ...

    C. Breslin Beres

