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  • The Religious Character of the Confucian Tradition

    defining quality of religion.[7] It has been seen as the basis of the Abrahamic traditions that form...

    Rodney L. Taylor


  • A Cultural Critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism

    meditation is mentioned on pp. 105-7; it would have been useful to ... in Sizhou(7)) or as occasion (e.g., Yu Ji's poem for the temple that ...

    Stuart Sargent


  • The Roots of Zen Buddhism

    is for the affirmation of this Reality, and hold that Zen is the application of those teachings.[7] ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship

    parinirvrta, that is to say, altogether passionless, ergo not a man."7 Here, Oldenberg presumably is ...p. 64. [back] 7 - Oldenberg 1882, p. 381. [back] 8 - Anguttara-Nikiya 11.38, in Woodward and ...

    Sungtaek Cho


  • The Sautrantika arguments

    cited detensers,(7) for whom reality is at bottom a becomingless neo-Eleatic whole. ...1938), p.316. 13. A. N. Prior, Post, Present and Future, pp.7-8. 14. D. Williams, ...

    A.Charlene McDermott


  • The Sects of the Buddhists

    (in Turnour's texts) numbers 1-7 of the older list. It is curious that precisely where ...36,800 2. Sammitiya (No. 7 of Table I.). In Ahikshetra 1000 ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    enlightenment."(7) There was a reason for Dogen's discussion and criticism of the ... (Kyoto, 1971--). 6 - "Bendowa." 7 - Ibid. 8 - For example, the ...

    Kiyotaka Kimura


  • The significance of paradoxical language in Hua-yen Buddhism

    into one hair. [Therefore], within each and every hair there are unlimited lions.(7) ...

    Dale S. Wright


  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    with your prayers." [7] Emperors often nominated (i.e., imposed) popes and required an oath of fealty ...

    David Loy


  • The structure of consciousness in purpoyted trilogy

    treatises Mahaayaanasa.mgraha. the Tri.m`sikaa, and the Vi.m`satikaa,[7] the lesser known but more ...

    Diana Y. Paul

