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  • The Study of Buddhism

    into three groups,[7] corresponding to the three Vehicles mentioned above. Basing himself on the texts...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra


  • The Svabhaavahetu in Dharmakiirtis Logic

    some of the crucial texts of Dharmakiirti on the svabhaavahetu. [7] Svabhaava is the probans for ...

    Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    the universe and muse be and act according to eternal and necessary laws." [7] In this sense, Spinoza ...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • The therapeutic psychology of The Tibetan Book of the Dead

    .(7) As soon as your breath stops, what is called the basic luminosity of ...activity, so does the reality of ordinary life. (7) - W. Y. Evans-Wentz, ed....

    Robert Wicks


  • The Translation of the Term Samskara

    verse 1016 etc.] Thus samskaras, which are said to be unreal(註7), imaginary things, are unreal only ...bhikkhave, tasma sankhara'ti vuccati. Kinca sankhatam abhisankharoti? Rupam rupattaya....... (註 7) ...

    Ven. Hsing-kong


  • The Trustworthiness of the Mahavamsa

    missionary work of king Asoka, as it is described in Mhvs. 12, 7-54, has received a ... lacuna of about 7 or 8 akkharas which Bell has no doubt rightly supplied by ...



  • Shinrans Response to Tendai

    of the One Vehicle...."(7) The emphasis which Shinran places on the purpose for theBuddha's ...preeminently represents the Eighteenth Vow,while the St7laller Sutra epitomizes the twentieth Vow ...

    Alfred Bloom


  • The Ultimate Ground of Buddhist Purification

    included in it, caught in it.[7] The trouble with us is that we are forever catching up with the ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • The Understanding of Karma in Early Chan Buddhism

    of moral situations. "As one acts, so one becomes." [7] 3. One's previous self-centered ...

    Robert Zeuschner


  • The understanding of mind in the Northern line of Chan

    p. 71 discussions upon the nature of the mind which we find in the Northern Ch'an texts, [7] we can..., pp. 190-212 and 221-235. (7) Ta-ch'eng pei-tsung lun ("Treatise by the Northern line of the ...

    Robert B. Zeuschner

