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  • Theravada Buddhism and modernization

    the Buddha and to spread the light of Asia throughout the civilized world".(7) Dressed ...LXI-LXXXIII. 7 Quoted in Samgharakshita, Op. Cit., p. 62. 8 For Dharmapala ...

    Balkrishna Givind Gokhale


  • Three approaches to authentic existence

    transcendence."(7) The power of infinite selftranscendence as it is related to being-itself ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Tibetan Buddhism: A Perspective

    French Lazarists, Hue and Gabet, onward; [7] and the wild severity of the country's physical aspect...

    William S. Weedon


  • Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief

    dedicate my life to spiritual practice. (p. 7) Tibetans recognize death all around them: The deaths ...Phuntsogs (person communication, February 7, 1996) from theNyingmapa school described the emotions he and...

    Robert Goss


  • Tibetan Buddhist Medicine: A Transcultural Nursing experience

    diagnosis and treatment. (p. 7) Its practice contains in-depth philosophical and psychological bases ...

    S. S. Begley


  • Time and Emptiness in the Chao-Lun

    language performs a function in establishing this verytruth."(7) Seng-chao knew that he had ...



  • Time and temporality--A Buddhist approach

    single process.(7) This term presents a temporal dimension or temporality to the ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    naanam (III, 52) [6] Vyaasa comments: [7] "Just as the atom (paramaa.nu) is the smallest particle of ...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier


  • The Place of the Aryasatyas and Pratitya Sam Utpada

    2. Majjhima, I, p. 261. 3. Lal. Vis., p. 349; see also pp. 416-7, cf. ...

    Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt,


  • Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning

    Aristotelian...." does not seem to be applicable. [7] At this point I must confess that I have made a ...

    Richard S. Y. Chi

