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  • Two types of saving knowledge in the Paali suttas

    description."(7) Furthermore, just as Guenther contends that levels of understanding are ...

    Donald K. Swearer


  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    considered an insoluble problem. [7] The main difficulties with the logical form of the cat.uko.ti arise ...simultaneously be present [54] Again, in (MK VIII.7) we come across the verse: kaaraka.h ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Uses of Dialogues and Moral Understanding

    of right (i) [f] but one that gives due weight to the extenuating circumstance (ch'ing) [f'] [7]. ...Conscience and Moral Conviction', Analysis 7 (1940), no. 2. Reprinted in Philosophy and Analysis, ed. by ...

    Cua, A. S.


  • Valentinian Gnosticism and Classical Saa.mkhya

    exchanged concepts; [7] consequently it seems wisest, given the evidence, to consider both ...

    Stephen A. Kent


  • Vasubandhu on the Vatsiputriyas fire-fuel analogy

    heat.(7) Among the eight coexistent elemental substances which were believed to ...

    James Duerlinger


  • Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses

    consciousness or cognition, 7) manas, the defiling mind-consciousness which is the faculty of mind, and ...



  • Vietnamese mode of self-reference

    is `I'" [7] might, were he orshe sufficiently precocious, take part in the following dialogue: ...Religious Meaning (New York, AbingdonPress) 7:16, p. 191. [5] CORLESS, ROGER J. (1989) The Vision of ...

    Steven W. Laycock


  • Vijnaptimatrata and the Abhidharma

    Vasubandhu in theAbbidharmakosa-bhasya [7]. This account may prove to be a precursor of theattack ...unpublished Ph.D thesis, ColumbiaUniversity, p. 52. [6] Ibid., p. 73. [7] Ibid., p. 85. [8] asrayo hi sa ...

    King, Richard


  • Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upanisads?

    of Buddhism." [7] Radhakrishnan is certainly the best representative of this point of view and ...

    Pratap Chandra


  • Wei-wu-wei: Nondual action

    and political organization to be consistent with the Tao. [7] The problem in either case is much the ...Section 7, Part 1. 44. F. Nietzsche, The Will to Power, trans. Waiter Kaufmann and R. J. ...

    David Loy

