arrival at the final stage 安住到究竟地
abiding as a phenomenon 住法
abiding cognition of the most excellent...consummate nirvā?a 能般涅槃
able to cease 能除灭
able to do as one wishes 随意自在
able to enter 得入
able to ...
as Megheswar. It was the corner-post of a railing having lenticular sockets in two ...possibility of an Asokan origin, as all of the Emperor's pillars are known to bear a ...
Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.
delivered as part of a symposium of the same name held in 1985 at the School of Oriental and ...Snellgrove's "Multiple Features of the Buddhist Heritage," also serves as a kind of ...
Collet Cox
and Mercy
Chen Guanqiao
Buddhism, as the ultimate path to the ... value system. As a
religious belief gradually accepted by billions of
people, it has ...
Srilanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar was one country and known as Indian Sub-Continent. In Buddhist text it is known as Jhambudipa. Buddha attained enlightenment in Bodhgaya, Bihar presently situated ...
Dr. Pranab Kumar Bar
the government of President Ngo Dinh Diem, discounted them "as an idle threat...in South Vietnam during the Summer and Fall of 1963. What is not as widely ...
Lisa M. Skow; George N. Dionis
logic before Dinnaga. If we take the best manuals of Indian logic now available, such as ...the first account of Indian logic as preserved in Chinese sources, but, being himself ...
professor guiseppe tucci
in the same way as a judge's personal political beliefs can. Of course, here I speak...Humphreys (1901-1983), is an especially clear example of this phenomenon as will be ...
Damien P. Horigan*
whole of them constitutes the sruti.(2) And, just as sruta is opposed to drsta or sruti to pratyaksa, the former term implied, as compared to the latter, a knowledge ...
Jean Przyluski
identificatory cognition),而“识”是使每个认知过程的各个部份能意识为一个整体(vi??ā?a as consciousness of each and every part of the process as a whole)[44],其使得觉悟成为可能,也是所有认识的基础;当到达最高层次上的解脱智时,“识”的作用便与世俗智有所不同,此从佛陀证悟经验中可知。 Sue Hamilton对五蕴中...