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  • Causality: Eternal or Momentary?

    so vigorously denied by `SK elsewhere.[46] This points to some final considerations as to the basic ...nature of the Thing itself . . . is entirely free from all restrictive adjuncts."[50] (This sounds ...

    Winston L. King


  • History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume I

    "Chapter 3: Hunters and Gatherers after the Ice Age" (pp. 46-68, three figures, one plate, 49 ...pastoralist steppe and agrarian empires during this era. He documents the Kusana [or Kushana] (50-250 ...

    David Christian


  • Dependent origination and the dual-nature of the Japanese Aesthetic

    resignation" [46] on the part of the subject. In my view, the utterincomprehensibility of this insight...months ... seemed to be lighted up in thatinstant; and there, he knew, was the anguish". [50] Here, ...

    Railey, Jennifer McMaho


  • Early Saamkhya in the Buddhacarita

    integrating action of the personality, with aha.mkaara" (46) An additional ...).(50) P.264 To summarize the complicated development ...

    Kent, Stephen A.


  • Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard

    MATSUNAGA et al., op.cit., note 1, p. 102. [50] KIERKEGAARD, op.cit., note 46, p. 80. [51] UEDA &...Blessed is he who is not offended in Him but believes. [46] Kierkegaard's view, I claim, ...

    Joel R. Smith


  • Identity and the unity of experience: A critique of Nishidas theory

    this concept ina more explicit Buddhist context [46]. To what degree was Nishida faithfulto this ...notion of'nonexistence' does not occur [50]. On the other hand, to him who perceiveswith right wisdom...

    Putney, David


  • Li Chun-Fus theory of Harmonization of the three teachings

    .(46) Item 4, 5 and 6 talk about Tao, or the Ultimate or the Absolute in their capacity to produce ...motion.(50) (d)Raise them up and set them forth before all people on earth.(51) Taoism (a)...

    Bartholomew P.M TSUI


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    speaking and non-speaking, is virtually obscured. [46] This idea is further articulated by the ...the Chan notion of the speech-silence relation. [50] Chan masters might add one more point to ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Modifications of The Karma Doctrine

    46; Vas, xxii, 2-5; Gaut. xix, 5, etc.). The incongruity was recognized; but orthodoxy ...through Kala alone comes death (ib. xiii, 1, 50). There is a long discussion in xiii...



  • Names, Actualities, and The Emergence

    constituting part of an entity's basic make-up. This same thinking is found in the Mawangdui Cheng text [46]: ...and wait for things. When a thing comes, then he names it. [50] If correct names are employed then ...

    John Makeham

