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  • 谈佛法的宗教经验

    of the sangha because as far as the spread of Buddhism is concerned, being unite d means ...to have faith and work as hard as they can. No matter whether in regard to trust, ...



  • 九十二波逸提法(Pacittiya )

    in a lodging belonging to the Community so as to intrude on a bhikkhu who arrived there first, (...Should any bhikkhu who is not ill, having asked for finer staple foods such as these for his own sake, ...



  • 一个新加坡人在中国出家传奇

    Buddhism. A ceremony was held to accept Chen Yonghong, a Buddhist disciple from Singapore, as a ...life as a Buddhist monk in China. It shows in one way how the charms of Chinese culture are radiating ...

    张 望


  • 网络时代佛教文化传播浅谈

    gain strategic advantage in the field of culture. Internet as the most effective new way to ...hair and turning the wheel of the dharma in an atom as described by the Avatamsaka Sutra (Huayan Jing)...



  • Environmental problematics in the Buddhist context

    witnessed the shrinking of the world to a considerable degree. As rational and ...related so as to develop a full philosophy of nature, and yet the situation is such ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Free at Last in Paradise

    on to higher education. First in his class, he got awards and recognition. As the pride of the family, they hoped that he would be an outstanding abbot or chief monk in their monastery. As an ...

    Ananda W. P. Guruge


  • High drama

    routinely used onTibetan prisoners of conscience for decades, as confirmed by interviewswith Tibetan ...Dalai Lama's relatively new status as aninternational figure--and to Hollywood films, rock concerts, ...

    Maura Moynihan


  • History of Wat Saket (1)

    monastery(2) begins in the year of the foundation of Bangkok as the Capital of the kingdom of Siam. It was known at that time as Wat Sa:k?3) and was, like the majority ...



  • Jeevakas test/Buddhist. (Healing issue)

    throughout my long studies with you. I found out today as I have done before that everything in Sarlaka and in fact elsewhere as well - everything in nature - is filled with medicinal...

    D.K.M. Kartha


  • On the Buddhacarita of Asvaghosa

    p.657 The 'Buddhacarita,' as edited by E. B. Cowell (in the ...complete and is overstrewn with early interpolations and scribal errors as well as emendations. I ...

    Sen, Sukumar

