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  • The Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming Schools

    instincts are essential to a clear awareness or intuition. Moreover he was highly skilled in devising... immediacy of the identity of self-awareness and self-attainment. Between them, there was not even a...

    Takehiko Okada


  • Wang Yang-mings Philosophy in a Historical Perspective

    can there be anything which will encumber us by transgressing the range of intuitive awareness?" [4] ...reason of rectification, the Mind comes to the awareness of its own substance; through the cultivation...

    Thome H. Fang


  • The practice of Buddhist economics?: Another view

    supports a processof growing self-awareness of needs and capacities, a recovering ofself-dignity, and ...the importance ofself-awareness (mindfulness) as individuals working within a group, andself-...

    Simon Zadek


  • The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Perspective

    mindfulness with breathing (anapanasati), long, slow breathing yields greater mindfulness, awareness and well-being. As a very basic awareness technique, we can experience that the action films, multi-...

    Jonathan Watts & David Loy


  • Three approaches to authentic existence

    self-awareness, we can become sensitive to some elements in the dynamics of religious awareness. By accenting the dynamic character of ontological claims in a religious ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    centered consciousness and the puru.sa-awareness. Since kaala is the most basic of the forms created ...Knowledge born of awareness of Reality by performing sa^myama on moment and (the process of) its ...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier


  • A Buddhist Critique of Some Secular Heresies

    symptom. What is not consciously admitted into awareness erupts in obsessive ways bringing those ...consciousness separate from the objective world, into a more relational awareness that is nondual with...

    David R. Loy


  • Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses

    and the distinctions made. Conscious awareness and what is normally unconscious are both considered...practice. If the enlightened awareness attained still contains the distinction, however fine, of subject ...



  • William James and Yogaacaara philosophy

    required for what we call awareness of it to occur.(18) That is, the process ...with the awareness of its mere sensible presence, we name it, class it, compare it, ...

    Miranda Shaw


  • A harmonious World Begins in the Mind A

    Brazil to further environmental education and awareness. I have visited the Amazon three times and in ...our awareness for nature and for saving our environment and it's inhabitants. We have already ...


