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  • Where text meets flesh

    practices extend from the least common and most spectacular--autocremation of ...the burning off of fingers--to the most common practice, the burning of incense or moxa (i...

    James A. Benn


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    , and hence nirvaa.na, cannot be attained without resorting to that other truth based on common ...doctrine (that is, aagama), and conventional common-sense perceptions and inferences regarding the ...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Zen and the Art of Teamwork

    spectacular play but make the common, simple play.He went back onto the floor, drew the defense, and ...

    Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.


  • 金融海啸灾难中,心灵环保的重要性(ENGLISH)

    this unavoidable common fate of the human race, each of us must introspect ourselves. In addition, ...

    Mr. Leon Ei-min Liu


  • 书评:《中国中古时期的盂兰节》

      页444   数”的经济背景,以及变文唱词中多提及“纵令妻妾满山谷”等等暗示[2]可以推知;在鬼节宇宙观的论述(第六章),他又认为是那些“不识字”(unlettered)的一般民众(common...elite、common people、 Buddhist lay people、 religious elite、 unlettered people等等的字眼来说明他想说明的社会阶层及特定的对象,这使得...



  • 谈俞大维的佛缘始末

    中国兵工和交通事业的现代化,晚岁复归于学术,读书但不著书,不写自传(包括不做口述历史),最后归心于不立文字、悲天悯人的佛法。对于大家的恭维,俞大维生前最爱说“我是Common Man With A Common Sense(有常识的凡人)”。他丰富的人生经历和独特的知识结构,是值得我们后人深思的。吴锡泽《俞大维先生论学管窥》一文(收进《新叶集》),曾以《老子》“知者不言”一句形容俞大维的人生境界,...



  • A History of Buddhist Philosophy

    XXIII) Kalupahana develops his own view of 'common ground' between Theravada and Mahayana.... intention is the mature one of seeking common ground between the Theravada ...

    David Kalupahana


  • Dhyana: The long, pure look

    clearand whole and round as a drop of water. What is common to them all is onlythat at some point you are ...common welfare and enrichment. My brother, as a therapist, remarks on having to be ...

    Padma Hejmadi


  • Empty Logic: Madhyamike Buddhism from Chinese Soruces

    the Central Philosophy of Buddhism. This text fell into the common trap of ...Cheng uses this common translation for the Chinese term "Er Di Yi." The Chinese ...

    Hsueh-li Chengs


  • The Foundational Standpoint of Mādhyamika Philosophy

    denies such validity even to common processes of cognition (they presuppose duality), which meant ...believed it was necessary to agree to the conventional existence of a common substance in order for ...

    Gadjin Nagao

