is beyond the dualism of being and non-being" or knowledge and ignorance.[46] The aalaya now is the ...causative ideation."[50] This absolutist definition of the parini.spanna realm was solidified by the T'ien-t...
McEvilley, Thomas
and denied in (3), and neither affirmed nor denied in (4). An example [46] of the second type is:
(...predicates are neither contrary nor contradictory [50] is as follows:
(F) (1) The goal can be ...
V. K. Bharadwaja
which isclassified as a "minority" only in certain parts of the world. Indeed, over50 percent of the ...that would have a heavy impact on others.[46] The purpose, extent, andenforcement of zoning and ...
Chloe Anne Breyer
personality," [46] the Cosmic Unconscious is "the bedrock of our "being." [47] In this lies, perhaps...anymore." [50] But even here, Jung goes astray. For it is evident that he does not grasp the full ...
John Steffney
·期刊原文The Buddhist icon and the modern gazeby Bernard FaureCritical Inquiry
Vol.24 No.46
Spring ...in centuries" (EC, 1:50). The earlier mention of Malraux in relation to the ...
Bernard Faure
in earlier Ch'an materials.(46) In this connection it must be noted that the line ...and style.(50) Likewise when reading the "Hsin-ming" one overlook the close affinity ...
Henrik H. Sorensen
alternative holds when there are no fx's that is, when the "class-x" is null. [46] Jayatilleke has ...beings.) [50]
It does not seem easy to render these in terms of A, E, I, O forms and their ...
R. D. Gunaratne
of existence and non-existence, life and death, good and evil, pro and con." [46] Obviously this is ...meditative inaction, but rather "acting, moving, performing deeds." [50]
The activity of the Zen ...
Richard Hubert Jones
s actual subject of discussion[46] and explicit teaching[47] be that phenomena are empty of inherent...denying its perlocutionary effect; acknowledging his words but being unpersuaded by them.”[50] It is ...
William Magee, Ph.D.
difficult to comment on dependent origination, as the ancients have said:
The truth, a ...ontological status of man
is best presented. Thus, the ontological, psychological, ...
Kenneth K. Inada