literature it influenced as "quasi-Platonic." My discussion cites them and goes on to show ...without commentary as to their relevance, are self-defeating." Only the ...
William R. LaFleur
come through clearly but are not emphasized by the Dalai Lama as differences. E.g., he ... not meditation, as the requirement for love, including love of the enemy. ...
ohn B. Cobb Jr.
leave it doubtful that the grammarian knew some such verse as we read in that Jataka (vol. ...most unusual. Moreover, as the text stands,(l) the words dhanamhi dhanino hanti of the ...
KIELHORN, M.R.A.S. Gottingen.
including Taiwan Buddhism) and the geographical position and times it belongs to, as well as the ...
meditation”, and “the higher learning of wisdom”. The monk's vows of the Hearer Vehicle are referred to as “...From the viewpoint of content, these teachings are referred to as “law (dharma) and vinaya (...
Asiatique, and Cambridge). As is well known, the doctrine expressed in this ... the early Buddhists themselves as of primary importance; and its meaning has been ...
Louis de la Vallee Poussin
as is yet known these eighteen sects are not elsewhere mentioned in Pali literature...Pali Text Society has not yet been able to publish it. But the commentary, short as it ...
Davids. T. W. Rhys
conversing about military history.
But as time went by, Andrea began to wonder what to believe. In one video of James at age 3, he goes over a plane as if he's doing a preflight check.
Another ...
influence on Chinese Buddhism, is considered as one of the three Masters in the Sui Dynasty. Based in the...
to observe as we usually do, it is an "understanding" of the world that is corresponding to the ...constructed by Tian Tai as a reference and deducing it'''' s model of Perfect Teaching in Tan Chin are...