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  • The Philosophy of the Middle Way

    The present work is, I believe, destined tobe in this century a classic in Buddhist studies. ...a better interpretation yourself. In what follows I would like to do three things: First,...

    Herman A.L.


  • Thai cremation volumes

    cremation volume, or nangsu anuson ngansop. Southeast Asian collections in Western libraries have made an effort to increase the number of such works in their possession...

    Grant A. Olson


  • Apologizing to the babies (Japanese ritual for aborted bodies)

    350 abortions in 1994, though that figure does not include abortions by the private ... pill. In a 1982 survey conducted by the Kyodo News Service, about 60 percent...

    Joan Frawley Desmond


  • 我的坦白:想要什么就布施什么

    lying in bed in Houston, where I lived at the time, reflecting on how to get prosperous. I remember thinking, "I can become the richest man in America in terms of books." And right then and there I ...

    Joe Vitale,畅销书《精神营销》作者


  • 此后待剪贴 Cosmic cowardice

    than the Western churches), we shall sing our signaturehymn: "Christos Anesti!" In Greek, Slavonic, ...isunmistakable: "Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling downdeath, and upon those in the tombs ...

    Alexander F. C. Webster


  • The way of the lotus

    Prajnaparamita Sutras that their central message could be summed up in two sentences: (1) ...tradition lies in a close reading of one of the Mahayana Sutras from that tradition, the ...

    A.L. Herman


  • The Place of the Aryasatyas and Pratitya Sam Utpada

    ·期刊原文The Place of the Aryasatyas and Pratitya Sam Utpada in Hinayana and Mahayana BY Dr. ...has been brought out very clearly in the Majjilima Nikaya(2) and the Lalitavistara(3) ...

    Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt,


  • Tsung-Mi and the single word awareness(chih)

    between Hu Shih and D. T. Suzuki in their famous exchang of views on Zen Buddhism that appeared in the pages of the April 1958 issue of this journal had to do with the ...

    Peter N. Gregory


  • Vasubandhu on the Vatsiputriyas fire-fuel analogy

    In the final section of the Abhidharmako'sa, entitled Pudgalanivi'scaya, Vasubandhu ...be inexplicable in the sense that he is neither different from nor the ...

    James Duerlinger


  • Xuanzang: A Buddhist Pilgrim on the Silk Road

    and related civilizations, was Xuanzang. Xuanzang (Hsuan Tsang in the Wade-Giles ...authority on Mahayana Buddhist idealist philosophy both In India and in China after his ...

    Edward H. Kaplan

