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  • Zen Action/Zen Person

    Kasulis' use of Nagajuna has the value of repudiating common-sense notions of the simplicity and ...this very translation, "presence of things as they are," tends towards a naive realism so common in ...

    Thomas P.Kasulis


  • Propagation of Buddha’s Dharma

    classes to follow and worship him - from the Kings, Lords, rich, and educated - to the common people...to building a common peaceful and prosperous place for humanity. ...

    Most Ven. Dr. Thich


  • Madhyamaka Buddhism 中观佛学

    that is characterized by common-sense realism. This interpretation has the advantage of fitting quite ...reductionist approach, then there would be no difference between the common-sense realism of the Mā...



  • A Chinese Madhyamaka Theory of Truth :The Case of Chi-Tsang

    establishing [truths].[23] While "refuting falsehoods" and "revealing truths" are tasks common to ... are being approached in an acquisitive frame of mind, what are judged harmful by the common ...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • A Buddhist economic system--in practice

    While "refuting falsehoods" and "revealing truths" are tasks common to all Buddhist schools, ...in an acquisitive frame of mind, what are judged harmful by the common standard would become ...

    Pryor, F.L


  • A Qigong Interpretation of Confucianism

    qigong. In the common understanding, there is no intrinsic relation between having the power and being ...method of cultivation. We all know that quiet sitting is probably the most common way of practicing ...

    Peimin Ni



    across the Pacific. I assume straightaway that all these systems have a common ...systems have a common origin, we are justified in drawing inferences from one to another, ...

    A.M. Hocart


  • Buddhism and revolution

    in the West by Hume. But without seeking refuge in common belief from the disastrous consequences of..., the common, uncritical belief that there is a possessor doing the possessing could only be due to ...

    R. Puligandla and K. Puhakka


  • Buddhism, Modernization, and Science

    societies are developing. And some developmental problems are common to all societies; among them the ...renascence in South and South-east Asia, Buddhism has latent capabilities for making common cause ...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • Buddhist Hermeneutics: A Conference Report

    cataphatically. The former approach is more common, but the latter is found in both the earliest texts as well...and literal/nonliteral. The four procedures add four types of meaning into the scheme: literal, common...

    Donald S. Lopez, Jr.

