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  • 《究竟一乘宝性论》如来藏思想之研究

    study on Tathagatgarbha Doctrine of Ratnagotravibhaga  【文章作者】郑郁慧   【指导教师】李志夫  【文章页数】105页  ----------...刷。  五. 英文专书:  Brian E. Brown,The Buddha Nature:A Study of the Tathagatagarbha and Alayavijbana,Brown...



  • 寺庙组织与平安灯文化的建构:制度与网络的机制

    Japanese election study. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Capital: Communities, ...Jason D. (2001) Church-Based Social Support and Religious Coping. Journal for the Scientific Study of...



  • A fragment of the Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita-sutra from eastern Turkestan

    which are very important for the general study of Buddhist Sanskrit texts in Eastern Turkestan.(10) ...Kumura [Tokyo, 1986]). A careful study of these translations was done by Shogo Watanabe in his article ...

    Bongard-Levin, G.M


  • Chinnamasta: The Aweful (sic) Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess

    ----------------------------- This is a short but very interesting study of the goddess...study South Asian religiosity, is for most of us nevertheless at the periphery of our ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Faces of Buddhism in America

    many well-educated members tend to emphasize more on sutra study, on Buddhist compatibility with ...This is a very fine piece of historical study. In comparison, Rita M. Gross's chapter on the ...

    Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth


  • Reviews the book Foundations of Tien-tai Philosophy

    the study well shows how this is by nomeans a misunderstanding. Rather, it captures well the ...the second half of Swanson's study is mostpertinent. For understanding the Threefold Truth, one...

    Paul Loren Swanson


  • Reviews the book Madhyamika Thought in China

    ----------------------------------------------------------. This book, a study of the Madhyamika...elsewhere. As a study on Madhyamika, this book devotes only a scant tenpages to Nagarjuna (pp.26-35)...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory

    accounts packed with the minute description of praxis. Stephen F. Teiser's study is unusual...'s work is also a significant contribution to the broader study of homo mortuus. ...

    Charles D. Orzech


  • 道教与密宗——兼及印度文化和文学中的艳欲主义

    耶著,王世安译。北京:商务印书馆,1996年。  [Bagchi."Study on the Tantrism." A Study in Ancient Indian Materialism.By ...Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Lokayata. A Study In Ancient Indian Materialism.Trans. Wang shi' an....



  • 经师与禅师——从解经学的立场看

    Jose Ignacio Cabezon,Buddhism and Language:A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholastiailism,New York:1994,P15...”,《宗教哲学》第五卷,第二期,1994年4月。  29 Buddhist Hermeneutics,P5,7; Buddhism and Language:A Study of Indo-...


