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  • Comparative Study and Buddhist Works in Chinese Translation

    translations.The materials which are common to all the six versions should have been drawn from a ...failed to trace in the Chinese translationof this Vinaya. As both the Sa and Mu have shared a common ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee



    English common law once had significant structural ties to the Church of England which had its own system of active ecclesiastical courts.(2) Today Anglo-American common law ...

    Damien P. Horigan*


  • Confucianism and Zen (Chan)

    classes. When common people came to study with him, he would not reject them. In fact, Confucius liked ...that by nature all men are alike, sages and common men essentially the same. A king is said to have ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Divergence, convergence: Buddhist-Christian encounters.

    possible to appreciate the distinctiveness of each tradition and also find a common basis ...common mystical core and others claim that the religions are so different that there is no ...

    Leo D. Lefebure


  • lending on interest and Written Loan Contracts

    spyi, a well attested equivalent for which is sadharana, "in common," and the Tibetan is easily rendered as: "to be placed in the depository as common property for the monastic...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • Don Cupitt: Christian Buddhist?

    mysticism has discovered common ground with Buddhist understandings of ultimate Reality. ...is much in common here with the Buddhist perspective as Harold Coward ...

    Gregory Spearritt


  • Dramatic Intervention: Human Rights From a Buddhist Perspective

    universal rights accord have tended to focus on establishing agreement about the existence of a common ...accordance with which all human beings would reasonably act. Thus, the individual and the common good might ...

    Peter D. Hershock


  • Environmental problematics in the Buddhist context

    cannot get beyond personal commitments or a common language, no matter how ... but these segments find a common source or ground which does not in itself ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Canadian government and Jodo Shinshu Buddhism during the Pacific War,1941-1945

    such common practices of the Japanese asretaining dual citizenship, establishing language schools and ...government. Keeping in mind thatmost common Japanese practitioners,themselves with little or no ...

    Akira Ichikawa


  • Healing Justice -- A Buddhist Perspective

    The most common is the desire for vengeance, which is understandable but morally dubious and ...treatment derived from English common law, but it has been widely used in Buddhism for 2500 years, ...

    David Loy

