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  • The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard

    probably the most thoroughgoing exponent of a deep intellectual anarchy in matters of religious faith ... what inwardness is. It has lost faith in the truth that inwardness makes the apparently scanty ...

    Jacobson, Nolan Pliny


  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    contemporary secular society, having lost faith in any spiritual solution, remains trapped in the future ...city" was taken for granted. Christianity was an apocalyptic faith: one must patiently await the return...

    David Loy


  • The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society

    emphasis on faith and grace. He distinguished the City of Man from the City of God. The "goods" of ...reason from the requirements of faith, understanding it as the faculty that allows us a limited ...

    David R. Loy


  • Transcendence East and West

    simplistic symbolic expressions: sects of exclusive faith in the Lotus Sutra prospered only in Japan; ... in a spirit that defends the faith. Such works tended to become an esoteric tradition: writings (e....

    David R. Loy


  • Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses

    with faith and other wholesome dharmas always arise jointly with the sixth consciousness. In ...and judgment; c) Eleven Wholesome States: faith, vigor, shame, remorse, absence of greed, absence ...



  • Zen And Buddhism

    may be said to be a center of the Buddhist faith, but he is certainly not the center of the Buddhist faith since everyone can become a center as a     p. 239 realizer of Dharma, a Buddha. The ...

    Masao Abe


  • 21st Century World and Humanistic Buddhi

    countries with the diversities in race, culture, tradition, religious faith, language and physical ...we want to elevate ourselves to the height of spirituality. It is not enough to have faith only ...

    Ven. Dr Anoja


  • 僧侣自我转化经验及其自我观之叙事研究

    faith to the dharma and the principle of cause and effect, they believe that the dharma has its ...society in the measure of value. It is this self-identity that gives the great vow and the deep faith...



  • 宗教与宗教学新论

    。英语也叫Blind faith。另有Superstition,作为迷信解释,主要强调的是极端尊奉或拘泥于礼拜、祭祀种种仪式。Cult也是迷信,它指的恰恰是礼拜、祭祀等的本身。它也是Culture的...particular system of faith and worship ),或者为之献身之事的( thing that one is devoted to)。如此也就像前面讲的那些误解一样,开始有点离谱了。...



  • The Life and the Fundamental Teachings of the Buddha

    Religion is based on faith, wisdom and compassion. The implicit faith, the intellectual comprehension, ...

    Pitt Chin Hui

