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  • 擦擦观音像试析

    方面望之兴叹。 国外对于擦擦的研究除了70年前的图齐之外,目前有Huber T.1992发表于 Tibetan Studies, proceedings of the 5th seminar of the international association of Tibetan studies ,v0l.2,pp.493-496的《Some 11th-century Indian Buddhist...



  • The Webbed Fingers of Buddha

    of the term did not take place till a period much later than the 5th century A.D. ...years of the 4th century A.D. is proved by the 'Madhyamagama' text (Taisho ed.; vol. ...

    Banerjea, Nath Jithndra


  • 觉光长老就第二次世界佛教论坛接受佛教在线专访

    commonweal. In this coming year, what activities you planed for? A: This year is the 10th anniversary... Tiantai School, assumed the 46th lineage of the Tiantai School. When the Japanese invaded Hong Kong...



  • 禅画研究的回顾

    1960   スィスにぉける日本禅画展の感想 ハィンッ ブヲツシュ 墨美(一○二),1960   Characteristics of Japan Zen-ga during the17th,18th and 19th centuries, by Awakawa, Koichi. KBS Bulletin 49, 1961   Zen and The Art of Painting, in ...



  • 非营利组织与外部支持者行为探讨--大乘佛教组织在台湾地区为例

    Theory 4th,ed.,1988.   33. Hunt, shelly D. and John R. Nevin, “Power in a channel of Distribution : ...Modern Retailing:Theory and Practic, 6th ED. N.J.:Irwin,1993.   45. McCammon, Bery C.JR. “Perspectives ...



  • 中国收藏的敦煌吐蕃文文献

    纪念文集(Tibetan and Buddhist Studies commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Csoma...《西藏研究——国际藏学研究会第六次会议纪要(Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International ...

    [英]散?冯?谢克著 杨富学 许娜译


  • Buddhas Love and Human Love

    different connotations are also found in Mahaayaana usage.For instance, in the 20th fascicle of the...Suunyataa. In the 27th chapter of the Ta-chih-tu-lun, Naagaarjuna sets forth thirty-three question-...

    Shohei Ichimura


  • Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita

    Astadasasahasrika Prajnaparamita, chapters 70 to 82, corresponding to the 6th, 7th and 8th ...

    Shogo Watanabe


  • Chinese Confucian Culture And The Medical ethical tradition

    centuries, BC) and imitate Emperors ZhouWenwang and Zhou Wuwang (circa 11th century BC), two outstanding ...references to the original literature. Gong Jingxian inthe 16th and 17th century enumerated 'ten tenets for ...

    Guo Z


  • Contemporary Buddhist philosophy: A biographical essay

    Madhyamaka philosophy, not just for itstranslation of an 8th century text but for its contemporary ...Two Truths (Albany: SUNY Press, 1987) hasproduced a study of Jnanagarbha, a thinker in the 8th ...

    Frank J. Hoffman

