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  • Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism [1]

    the 6th century contained some 10,000 p. 165 monasteries and temples, peopled with some 150,...

    E. Zurcher


  • Philosophical Implications of the Doctrine of Karma

    150 it is the West that has given a new fillip to these studies. Those who have read World ...

    Wadia, A. R.


  • Realization of Param Bhutakoti (ultimate reality-limit)

    wisdom" (Perfection, 1973: 150). Whereas before the term reality-limit referred to...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Religion and the Market

    world's population now have an income about 150 times that of the poorest twenty percent, a gap that...

    David Loy


  • Research on inmates of Tihar Jail, Delhi

    out in April 1994 on 150 subjects. The sample consisted of two groups: one group of 85 subjects who ...

    Dr Amulya Khurana; Prof. P. L.


  • Some impressions of the Buddha

    --a word I had to look up afterward" [150]. The cultural atmosphere in which Dreiser grew up helps ...

    Douglas C, Stenerson


  • Studies in Early Buddhist Histriography

    very much in vogue, where beast- P.150 fables delighted ...

    Ghoshal, U.N.


  • Religious debate as a rhetorical strategy

    ·期刊原文The `Three Doctrines Discussions' of Tang China: Religious debate as a rhetorical strategy by Mary M. Garrett Argumentation & Advocacy Vol. 30 No. 3 Winter.1994 Pp.150-161 Copyright ...

    Mary M. Garrett


  • Buddhism and the ChangingSociety in Modern Ceylon

    the British rule of nearly 150 years.[15] These were the important factors which brought about the ...

    W. Pachow


  • The Buddhist Aesthetic nature

    Asian Philosophy Vol. 4 No. 2 1994 Pp.139-150 Copyright by Asian Philosophy -------------...same realm, comparably to illness and healthoccurring in the same body. [11] Nagarjuna (c. 150 AD) ...

    Kenneth K. Inada

