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  • Muslim, Buddhist, American Indian:

    official capacity," Borelli said. So he will work with a group such as the ...

    Dawn Gibeau


  • Response to Richard Pilgrims review of The Logic of Unity

    the pre-war group of thinkers and their style of writing. This is immediately discerned upon reading ...

    Hosaku Matsuo and translated b


  • Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice

    Adopting the term for her study, Blackburn defines a textual community as "a group of individuals who ...

    Anne M. Blackburn


  • Buddhist temple in Thailand

    Saturday nights the HIV Band performs. Every Sunday there is a group trip into town to go to ...

    Juliane Schober


  • 佛心法师:浅谈佛教慈善事业如何更上一层楼

    is a group of kindhearted people on the other side of the world who cares for them. They ...

    佛 心


  • Future Development of Environmental Care

    ’s time, Ven Maha Ananda (one of the great disciples of Buddha) was eaching to a group of lay women ...

    Ven Seck Kwang Phing


  • A Common Buddhist Chanting in English

    PANCASIKHA (Musicians and singers’ group in Thailand). Other rhythms of this Common Buddhist Chanting would ...

    Henry DANG, J.P


  • Monastic Training System of the Jogye Or

    she enters the group postulant training course. The main contents of the training course are: ...

    Ven. Pupchin


  • 求生意兴隆财富, 增长无量福寿的法门

    求生意兴隆财富, 增长无量福寿的法门 佛陀教育大乘弟子每天早中晚都要施食, 既能一次就让千百亿饿鬼吃饱都升天人, 也给自己增长超量的福德善根, 自利利他. 要施食咒教念MP3的来跟贴: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/6498371/ 海涛师父讲的内容,我理的提要: 1. 施食后的饿鬼, 全部成为天人善神, 永远护持你, 别人想害你, 都不行, ...



  • 宗教组织之参与与信仰过程之研究——佛光山普贤寺个案研究

    kinds of study process, as the religious group interior socialization, no doubt is very successful....


