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  • The emptiness of Christ: A Mahayana Christology

    As fruitful as thedialogue has been, however, it has created problems for our articulation ofthe ...is this Madhyamika philosophy which serves as themodel for our enunciation of Christian faith.[10] ...

    John P. Keenan


  • The historical Buddha (Gotama), Hume, and James on the self

    assign any, this will serve to confirm our suspicion. By bringing ideas into so clear a light we may ...he assumed with Locke an atomistic view of experience that our "impressions" and their copies, "...

    D. C. Mathur


  • The range of Buddhist ontology

    There are indeed restrictive elements in our lives and society at large which not ... unintended occluding of reality itself. Our lives are already burdened (...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Tibetan Buddhist Medicine: A Transcultural Nursing experience

    fortune, and wishing that all our family could be with us tobehold this beautiful sight on Christmas...ancient culture very different from our own . . . and atfirst may seem . . . incomprehensible, ...

    S. S. Begley


  • Zen And Taoism Common And Uncommon Grounds

    "the "infinite expansion of the individual" and "a new vistaof existence."(3) Our initial ... the way. Inboth systems, the momentary nature of our experience is takento be the basis of all ...

    Kenneth Inada


  • 佛与魔 (Mara and the Buddha)[心行法师]

    and our psychological encounter with Mara in our daily lives  大多数人曾听说过恶魔。在巴利文经典与汉译阿含经典,他被人格化成为恶魔、诱惑者、...experience encounters with Mara psychologically. How do we discern that Mara is showing up in our minds? ...



  • Do We Need National Buddhist Traditions

    experience suffering. Even many experiences in our own lives show that the result of actions done in the attitude of differentiating our wishes and needs from those of other sentient beings, or even ...

    Ven. Vajramàlà


  • 苏塔难陀长老——佛教与慈善

    concerns our body. For example organ donation is an example of the internal giving of wealth as is ... If we have not practice giving, we will not gain. If we are able to let go of our affliction, birth...



  • Can an Understanding of Guodian Manuscri

    culture was similarly transformed by Buddhism. Our ability to understand religion in pre-Buddhist China ... This unification involves faith that morals have a physical existence in our bodies that is ...

    Kenneth W. Holloway


  • 静安寺的碑文

    光洁的大理石墓碑上的跌落到地上的声响。我读着这些从异国他乡万里迢迢来到这里,然后死在这里的人们的名字,抄录下几篇哀伤的碑文。    Our life and our jop who only spoke  and lived toflll our heartswlth bless.  沿南京路笔直朝同文书院方向走,靠近郊外处便是静安寺。我是独自坐黄包车去的。让车夫在门口候着,我便用心抄录起碑文来。...


