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  • Setup, Punch Line, and the Mind-Body Problem

    considering. [5] The consequences of this distinctive Tiantai turn of thought will be the central ...

    Brook Ziporyn


  • Shinto shrines or Shinto temples?

    (mitarashi), which are often found under the roofs of lavatory structures (temizu-ya);(5...

    Peter Metevelis


  • Sickness, healing, and religious vocation

    to include the first fourof the five precepts as well as refraining from: 5) all sexual activity, 6)...

    Nirmala S. Salgado


  • Sinitic speculations on buddha-nature

    subitist position by way of the universality of Buddha-nature.(5) However, nowhere in Tao-...

    Whalen Lai


  • Sinitic understanding of two truths theory

    insight into the frame of mind of the court Buddhist thinkers at the time.(5) ...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • Skepticism and Indian philosophy

    of such impressions if they are "so striking and clear as to compel assent." [5] Our knowledge ...

    Dipankar Chatterjee


  • The Buddha and the Whiteheadian God

    are empty, without being, without any con­stant abiding, without arising or extinction"? [5] ...LS.p.98. [3]. LS,p.300. [4]. LS,p.72. [5]. LS,p.200. [6]. Alfred North Whitehead, Process and ...

    Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki


  • Some aspects of the free-will question in the Nikaayas

    akriyaavaadins for whom all human effort was fruitless.(5) The terms also implied that ...totally free from the contingent (De libero Arbitrio I. 1-3, II. 4-5), his main problem ...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Some impressions of the Buddha

    assimilation of parts of the Asiantraditions."[5] Dreiser, along with such of his contemporaries as ..., A Book about Myself (New York, 1922), 430. [5] Jackson, "The Influence of Asia upon American ...

    Douglas C, Stenerson


  • Some methodological approaches to the unexplained points

    conclusion did the Buddhists draw and what for them was the logical inference." [5] His inquiry is ... listed in this are the standard ten unexplained points. The following section (vi. 5), gives a ...

    Richard H. Robinson

