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  • Chih-is System of Sign Interpretation

    generally understood as something standing for something else, i.e., signifier and signified.[5] "Sign...



  • The paradox of Buddhist wisdom

    concern us here.(5) What is relevant to our present consideration is ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    saṁsāra. When that belief disappears, saṁsāra becomes nonexistent." [5] It becomes...

    Loy, David


  • The Philosophy and Psychology of the Oriental Mandala

    which is central in ma.n.dala symbolism.[5] To make clearer for Western readers unfamiliar with...

    Grace E. Cairns


  • The practice of Buddhist economics?: Another view

    search for nibbana" (1991 :20).[5] However, Pryor'sdecision to focus on the texts rather than practice ... 1, No. 5(May, 1992),12-8.Chambers, Robert, "Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory,"...

    Simon Zadek


  • The Problem of Induction in Indian Philosophy

    attack inferences that moved from the material to the nonmaterial. [5] This would naturally eliminate...

    Roy W. Perrett


  • The Problem of Knowledge and the Four Schools

    Buddhism, p. 63 f. n. 5 ). He also observes that with regard to the process of ...



  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    lived from about A.D. 50 to about 150.(5) He says: "The earliest dates ever ...

    Ian Mabbett


  • The Problem of the Self in the Later Nishida and in Sartre

    Husserl in an article of 1911, shortly after the first French article on Husserl. [5] It is, of course, ...5 - See Light's comments in Shuzo Kuki and Jean-Paul Sartre, p. 26 n. 2. 6 - "Being-for-itself" (...

    Brian D. Elwood


  • The Probletic od Whole-Part

    guano)stance5 that the part is neither identical to nor different from the whole; but by putting a ...

    Tao Jiang

