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  • The Anti-abstraction of Dignaaga and Berkeley

    the two have at least this in common: both were persistent critics of a theory of ...this common seam run? Both reject abstract entities, but we must ask whether there ...

    Ewing Y. Chinn


  • The Buddhist-Humean parallels: Postmortem

    are common to both, while in two cases the rebuttals as well are similar. The most basic objection in common is the one put forth by the typical incredulous soul who is impatient with any theory that ...

    L. Stafford Betty


  • The Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming Schools

    common to both the higher and lower roots (the common and superior man). This, he says, is the true ...reverence for facts and practical utility, and placed emphasis on the simple demands of the common ...

    Takehiko Okada


  • The Future of Chinese Buddhist Thought

    turned more to finding a common ground in a Hua-yen-esque interpretation of pratitya-samutpada (... Han paradigm is based on a common cosmology; not so the present East/West combine. And the West was...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Hidden Advantage of Tradition

    live lokadhaatu is the result of our common dhaatus and efforts. (This is neglected in Western ...social convention, common sense: an appreciation for "the honnete homme on the ground." The ...

    Jeffry M. Perl and Andrew P. T


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    physical ball in the conceptual world of physics, but an experienced ball in the common region of ...all of these aspects being essentially mental. The ball could be a common hallucination: if our and ...

    David Drake


  • The Meaning of Vairocana in Hua-yen Buddhism

    existence; and parini.spanna-svabhaava, the perfected or absolute nature of the same thing. A common...common description of the Dharma kaaya in all schools of Buddhism. However, next, Fa-tsang says ...

    Francis H. Cook


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    ------------ P.347 It is common knowledge that tension existed betweenBuddhism and ...morality and common-sense" and thattheir "fundamental objection" to Buddhism lies in ...

    Edward T. Chien


  • The Practice of Zen

    23, and common in books about Zen, of the manner in which so-and-so attained enlightenment. His ...has assembled an interesting array of quotations which show common traits in the Bhagavad Giitaa, ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • A Recurrent Theme in Chinese Thought

    assuming that a metaphor common todifferent religious traditions P.474 indicates some kind of ...the thought of Gregory of Nyssa, whereit has several points in common with some of the ...


