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  • Anattaa -- A Reply to Richard Taylor

    something, A, and likewise any true description of something, B, then one is entitled to affirm that these are alternative descriptions of the same thing -- or in other words, that A and B are one and ...

    Tyson Anderson


  • Approaches to existence

    serves as a regulative notion for cosmology. b. There is a second use of the term 'The Universe' ...whole or collective class of all the a's, b's, c's ... we are able to (or choose to) discriminate and...

    Milton K. Munitz


  • Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita

    53b1. 4) Tk: Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong nyi su lnga pa. Ibid., vol. 19, no. 731, ch. 59; Di ff. 75b3-80a8. 5) Tt: Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa...

    Shogo Watanabe


  • Comments on the Paradoxicality of Zen Koans

    (B) P is meaningful iff P is not meaningful (C) P is intelligible iff P is not ...S, of S iff -S. Any sentence of any of the forms (B) through (H) are of this form. If we let S be 'P...

    Michael E. Levin


  • Contemporary Buddhist philosophy: A biographical essay

    brings this out well. In the South Asian context it is instructive to read B. K. Matilal,Perception (...Karl Potter are of enduring significance. B. K. Matilal, Logic, Language and Reality: An Introduction ...

    Frank J. Hoffman


  • Did Buddha die of eating pork? : with a note on Buddhas image

    Tripi.taka xxii, 998b). 2 Exposition of the Muulasarvaastivaadin Vinaya. Taishoo ...710).  1 Taishoo Tripi.taka, i, 18b. 2 ibid. xxiv, 382 seq. ...

    Waley, Arthur



    century B.C., was reduced to a silence that thereafter led to its neglect. Although to the ... For example, Karatani Kojin (b. 1941), a leading voice in contemporary Japan, argues ...

    Michele Marra


  • Siamese Edition of Buddhist Scriptures

    ---- 8 B.-- Suttanta-pitaka (20 vol's).--Volumes 9-28. B. 1. Digha-nikaya ---------------- 9, 10, 11 B. 2. Majjhima-nikaya ------------- 12, 13, 14 ...

    C.R. Lanman


  • The Phoenix Hall at Uji and the symmetries

    and evil place teeming with hells, hungry ghosts, and animals" (341a-b). The Buddha ...her rebirth (341b21-27). Lady Vaidehi selects Sukhavati, "the place of ...



  • The Sects of the Buddhists

    putta Tissa, about 240 B.C., deals with a number of ethical points which were then ... 15. Ekabyoharika. All these 18 arose in 100-200 A.B. (Dip. 5. 53=Mah. 5....

    Davids. T. W. Rhys

