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  • A Study of Svatantrika. By Donald S. Lopez

    esshaential since the aim of the whole practice of emptiness is to undo the hold ... point of view of practice. Vajrapaani glosses quickly over the famous "form is ...

    Donald S. Lopez


  • Dereification in Zen Buddhism

    practice of koan training. First, I review the sociological literature on desocialization,...interaction, and I explain the role of thesemethods in the Zen practice of koan training. ...

    Robert J. Moore


  • Dharmamegha samaadhi: Comments on Yogasuutra IV, 29

    crucial importance for the understanding of the practice and theory of Yoga. It describes the condition...sympathetic references to parallels between Yoga practice and Buddhism. In Yoga Philosophy, however,...

    Klaus Klostermaier


  • Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard

    mindful reciting ofAmida's name was still a practice done by the aspirant to merit birth intothe Pure ...ofhis futile efforts during 20 years of practice in the Tendai sect toovercome his passions to attain ...

    Joel R. Smith


  • Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun [1]

    to the concrete practice of Humanistic Buddhism, but also developed the theoretical aspects of ...modernity of language, the use of modern facilities and the practice in life and building monasteries as ...

    Darui Long


  • Intimacy: A general orientation in Japanese religious values

    considerations may obstruct the efficacy of practice. It is not a difficult ...practice, we somehow manage. Despite our animosities, mistrust, and aggressive ...

    Thomas P. Kasulis


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    function of language in their soteriological and therapeutic practice. To avoid reading postmodern ...wisdom mainly by meditational practice and experience. This kind of "inner realization" cannot be ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Metaphysics in Dōgen

    not even the beginning of the Noble Practice." [3] This passage (and others) has often been read as ...liberating practice. [4] And like other Zen teachers, Dōgen sometimes states that the true Buddhist ...

    Kevin Schilbrack


  • One is Allow Translation and Analysis of the Hsin-hsin ming

    elegent exposition of praj~na (principles), and dhyana (practice). With approximation we can say that...sections II. III, and IV mostly expose practice, while sections VII, and VIII dewscribe the results of ...

    Dusan Pajin


  • Schisms, murder, and hungry ghosts in Shangra-La

    understand the background of the current conflict. The second fact is that the practice of ...and Drepung, emphasizing pure Buddhist teachings and the practice of virtue - ...

    Mike Wilson

