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  • Transforming our suffering

    leading workshops and speaking to other veterans on healing the wounds of war. Our society is full ...A policeman knows he has to take care of himself, because hecan be killed by anyone on the street. ...

    Thich Nhat Hanh


  • Understanding Eastern Philosophy

    counterpart because, for instance, to achieve a comprehensive ontological perspective requires ...preface that he wanted to compose a book that steers a middle course between "sentimental devotionalism" ...

    Ray Billington


  • Making mandalas and meeting bodhisattvas

    INTRODUCTION This article addresses two issues germane to the teaching of religiouseducation. The first...is a need to address the spiritualor faith development of pupils. In Catholic schools, particularly, ...

    Clive Erricker


  • Naagaarjuna and deconstruction

    discarded its former icons Marx and Lenin and installed Naagaarjuna in their place. This all goes to show that the great sage and siddha revered in the lamaist tradition has something to say to an age...

    Ian W. Mabbett


  • Nagarjuna and the doctrine of skillful means

    concept in relation to Nagarjuna. Given that upaya is a central doctrine in the early Mahayana ...scholars pay little attention to how upaya influenced Nagarjuna's thought. Michael Pye's Skilful Means is...

    John Schroeder


  • The Deconstruction of Buddhism

    theological (therefore what-needs-to-be-deconstructed) and deconstructive (providing a different example of how-to-deconstruct). What is interesting about Derrida's type of deconstruction, from a ...

    David R. Loy


  • The ordination of a tree

    traditionalBuddhist ritual, to build villagers' commitment to his ecology projects.(Buddhism, ...result from such behavior. As Buddhism is increasingly used to promotesocial activism such as ...

    Susan M, Darlington


  • Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief

    article is a contribution to the cross-cultural study of grief TheBardo thodol (sometimes translated the Tibetan Book of the Dead) and theritual associated with it provides a way to understand how Buddhism...

    Robert Goss


  • Zeamis conception of freedom

    variety of theories to be found in Western philosophy, has seldom been conceived as an achieved quality of a person. In this article I would like to demonstrate that "freedom" can best be understood in...

    Nagatomo, Shigenori


  • Can an Understanding of Guodian Manuscri

    culture was similarly transformed by Buddhism. Our ability to understand religion in pre-Buddhist China ... quite new to China in the Han Dynasty. Previous studies have preferred to focus on ancestor ...

    Kenneth W. Holloway

