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  • Unity of Three Truths and Three Forms of Creativity

    due to our perception by mind as Hui Neng suggested [1] Similarly, the source of motion and change in ...From the doctrine of Integration of Two Truths we see that we must acknowledge that our mind has come ...

    Cheng, Chung-Ying


  • Zen and Ethics: Dogens Synthesis

    behind the mistsof our deluded egotism and of the ephemeral world oftransient and particular...egotism, of erroneousdiscrimination. So our only refuge from the Angst which isthe inescapable ...

    Douglas A.Fox


  • Book Review: Mindfulness in the Marketplace: A Compassionate Response to Consumerism

    peace, and compassion towards all have anything to say to us in our current need? The thirty-five ...to the analysis of our deeply rooted problems. Buddhism is one of our remaining hopes and resources ...

    Eric Sean Nelson


  • The Foundational Standpoint of Mādhyamika Philosophy

    dissolves our essentialist commitments and, by then refuting itself (if there are no things, there are no...and how much they hinder. That ties in with our tendency today to ask: what might these meta- ...

    Gadjin Nagao


  • Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West

    . Lopez is intent on disclosing the evolution of our "notions" about Tibetan Buddhism, ... of Tibetan culture, fueling our foolish fantasies of Shangri-La. Someone ...

    Donald S Lopez,


  • 佛光菜根谭之自在

    living many years,but thinking you are old. Our lives are measured by eternity,not years. 观晚霞悟其无常,...cherishing. 世间的得失皆有前因 人生的苦乐都有所缘 Gain and loss,suffering and happiness,come from our past causes and ...



  • Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism. (book reviews)

    philosophy we earn our living trading in ideas about the Asian "other." But we are also ... inevitable. Greater consciousness of these inadequacies and inevitabilities deepens our...

    Jeffrey R. Timm


  • Derrida and Seng-Zhao: Linguistic and Philosophical Deconstruction

    logic of negativity at work in both traditions. [2] Here, we will turn our attention to the hitherto ...deliberately misplaced capitalizations, Derrida p. 390 not only delays our recognition of these...

    Cai Zongqi


  • Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia.(book reviews)

    Asian philosophy we earn our living trading in ideas about the Asian "other." But we are ...our understanding of problems inherent in identifying Buddhism as an object of knowledge ...

    Jeffrey R. Timm


  • How not to criticize Nāgārjuna

    points to a serious flaw in our "movement-language" -- more precisely, he is demonstrat- ing the ... of the world itself (which is, after all, śūnya), but of our ways of looking at the world, it ...

    David Loy

