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  • Buddhism and Poverty

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism and Poverty By David Loy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does Buddhism have anything special to contribute to our understanding...

    David Loy


  • Buddhism and Bioethics

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism and Bioethics by Damien Keown Reviewed by Gerald P. McKenny The Journal of ...increasing importance of ethics in the study of Buddhism and the globalization of the ...

    Damien Keown


  • Buddhism and Music

    Buddhism was not only a religion. but the way of the life for the people. such performing arts received... the devout laymen. ( Sarachchandra, 1982, p9 ) Buddhism has no codification of any date pertaining ...

    Ven.Inamaluwe Sri Su


  • Essential Tibetan Buddhism

    interested in Buddhism contributing to this process? One answer can be seen in Robert Thurman's latest work, Essential Tibetan Buddhism. This book is one of several planned for ...

    Janice D. Willis


  • Schopenauer And Buddhism

    ·期刊原文SCHOPENHAUER AND BUDDHISM By Peter AbelsonPhilosophy East and WestVolume 43, Numer 2April ...Buddhism the finest of all religion. Arthur Schopenhauer(1) ...

    Peter Abelson


  • Heidegger and Buddhism

    ·期刊原文 Heidegger and Buddhism Takeshi UmeharaPhilosophy East and West Vol. 20:3July 1970 p.271-... sincere concern to Buddhism or Confucianism. In other words, we did not import god (...

    Takeshi Umehara


  • Nietzsche and Buddhism:

    ·期刊原文Nietzsche and Buddhism: A Study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities, By ...Buddhism: A Study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ...



  • Dimensions of Indian Buddhism

    A8-A21 p.A8 With the emergence of interest in Buddhism in the West and the adaptation of... Buddhism has appeared which is quite different from that found in the traditional account. The ...

    Jan Yun Huan


  • Rethinking God and Buddhism

    ·期刊原文RETHINKING THE WHITEHEADIAN GOD AND CHAN/ZEN BUDDHISM IN THE TRADITION OF THE YI JING By ... During the past several decades, there have been many comparative studies of Japanese Zen Buddhism...

    Gu, Linyu


  • Nietzsche and Early Buddhism

    ·期刊原文Nietzsche and Early Buddhism, a Review of Nietzsche and Buddhism: Prolegomenon to a Comparative Study, by Freny Mistry, and Nietzsche and Buddhism: A Study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities, by ...

    by Parkes, Graham

