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  • Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun [1]

    ·期刊原文 Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun [1]By Darui LongHsi ...analysis of Humanistic Buddhism that was preached by Master Tai Xu in the 1930s and the great ...

    Darui Long


  • Skill-in-means and the Buddhism of Tao-sheng

    ·期刊原文Skill-in-means and the Buddhism of Tao-sheng:A study of a Chinese reaction to Mahaayaana of ...should also reveal how the Chinese sangha reacted to Indian Buddhism during the formative era...

    David C. Yu


  • The Dissolution of Self and Other in Chan Buddhism

    ·期刊原文Person as Narration: The Dissolution of Self and Other in Chan Buddhism By Peter D. ...East Asian and particularly Ch'an Buddhism. In short, it will be argued that a person...

    Peter D. Hershock


  • The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard

    ·期刊原文The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard Jacobson, Nolan Pliny Philosophy ...Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism (First Series) (London: Rider and Com­pany. n.d.), p....

    Jacobson, Nolan Pliny


  • The significance of paradoxical language in Hua-yen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文The significance of paradoxical language in Hua-yen Buddhism BY Dale S. WrightPhilosophy East... of Buddhism, nor to Buddhism itself. It is a relatively common religio-...

    Dale S. Wright


  • Brief History of Buddhism in Cambodia

    Association, who have allowed me to participate in this prestigious conference. Buddhism started when ...humanity. Buddhism is a varied tradition and aspects include fundamentalism, devotional traditions. ...

    H.H.Tep Vong


  • Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries by ... outside Buddhism. Since the author stays close to the critical perspectives of these ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Book Notes: Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism

    ·期刊原文 Book Notes: Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism By Jose Ignacio ...----------------- p. 294 Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism Philosophy...

    Jose Ignacio Cabezon


  • Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism. (book reviews)

    ·期刊原文 Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism. (book reviews) by ...dimensions of an increasingly self-conscious study of Buddhism in the West. Both volumes ...

    Jeffrey R. Timm


  • Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China

    ·期刊原文Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming ChinaReviewed ...--- The notable revival of Chinese Buddhism in the late Ming and early Qing...

    Roger V. Des Forges

