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  • Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Scientific Thought

    homogeneity, and simplicity of primitive collectivism (p.114). The term li-ch'i 利器 (sharp weapons) ..._____________________17. Chaps. 37, 39, 42.     p.315 and Li tribes a pre-feudal ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Nietzsche and Early Buddhism

    total annihilation of the individual at death" (p. 53). Morrison apparently reads Pāli, but was ...interesting new material -- at least until one realizes that there were no Sanskrit or Pāli scholars ...

    by Parkes, Graham


  • The Future of Chinese Buddhist Thought

    Hsiung Shih-li (1883-1968) who later fashioned his self-styled "New Consciousness Only" philosophy. ...This is not my judgment alone. It is the reason behind why Hsiung Shih-li brought it back in line with...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Hsin-Ming Attributed to Niu-Tou Fa-Jung

    the famous literature Li Hua(l) (?-ca. 766).(14) In the memorial inscription on the...absolute reality, entering into the highest principle (chih-li) .(ag) One of the key-...

    Henrik H. Sorensen


  • Chih-is System of Sign Interpretation

    lotus to analogize the Subtlety of Merit and Benefit (Yung-lien-hua P'i Kung-te Li-i Miao 用莲花譬功德利益妙) ...论》; Li Chih-fu, Miao-fa Lien-hua-ching Hsüan-i Yen-chiu《妙法莲华经玄义研究》; Thomas Cleary, Stopping and ...



  • The Relationships Between Traditional And Imported Thought

    period even identifiedthemselves as "practitioners of the techniques of the Way".The "Li-huo ... China's idealism. This was replaced by such abstractconcepts as the Confucian li(ah)(the"...

    Tang Yi-Jie


  • The Saddharmapu.n.dariika and Suunyataa Thought

    as a late addition to the Saddharmapu.n.dariika. Suguro regards the portion of the Sa t'an fen t'o li...account of sutras in the Li-tai san-pao chi (T No. 2034) the translation of the gaathaas has been ...

    Kajiyama, Yuichi


  • The Understanding of Karma in Early Chan Buddhism

    Faith-Mind"), but it is likely that this is not actually by Seng-tsan. According to the Li-tai fa pao ...biographical passage on him in the Li-tai fa-pao chi, however, he is quoting from an Indian Buddhist sutra: ...

    Robert Zeuschner


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    position of Error" (Li-huo lun[e]) by Mou Tzu[f] (2nd century A.D.), perhaps the first Chinese treatise on...w. Hou Han shu 後漢書 d. Tao-te ching 道德經 x. Hung-ming chi 弘明集 e. Li-huo lun 理惑論 y. Seeing-you 僧祐 f. ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Transformations of `emptiness

    on "the perfect fusion of thephenomenal shih and absolute li, of form (se) and emptiness (k'ung)" ...transcendent (li) and phenomenal (shih)aspects. In Ch'an (Japan: Zen) Buddhism, the notion of sunyata...

    Gregory K. Ornatowski

