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  • Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism [1]

    our view of Chinese Buddhism as a historical phenomenon is greatly obscured by the abundance of our ...complete our picture of what this Buddhism really was, we have to look outside Chinese Buddhism itself. ...

    E. Zurcher


  • Reflections On World Peace Through Peace Among Religions

    need h to search for the wisdom to guide our actions. On the one hand, we must not be caught by our ...only one's own religion has the perfect Truth. Küng suggests that in order for us to overcome our bias...

    Liu, Shu-hsien


  • Reply to Paul Williams

    the larger context in which our dispute is located. I do not think the Reductionist project -- ...view that adult and infant are distinct persons. For the Buddhist, the difficulty is just that our ...

    Mark Siderits


  • The Buddhism in Heraclitus

    rivals, if we could perfect our inquiries, must have been the originator, the other was...recognise fundamental differences between the Eleatic teaching and that of our Lord. ...

    Edmund J. Mills


  • A Buddhist reading of Aquinas

    religions pose not only a threatto our present theological understandings, but also offer resources for ... address our need for wisdom in the face of human ignorance of Godwith references to Augustine (209)...

    James L. Fredericks


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    one says that an object is or is not in our field of consciousness. But let us consider the language ...close Huang Po comes to our definition of phenomenal language: "Sentient beings do not enter the ...

    David Drake


  • The Madhyamika Philosophy: A New Approach

    really the incapacity of our mind, which is not able to penetrate beneath the hard shell of ...; it is a creation of our own mind (kalpanaa), through which the real object (ida^m) is perceived. ...

    R. C. Pandeya


  • 共业招感‧素食致祥

    because of our ignorance, anger, and greed. 诸法无我:2. All phenomenon is interdependent知世间诸法依缘而生灭,依缘而成就... the darkness of unawareness caused by our ignorance, anger and greed and turn our selfish desire ...



  • 蒋坚永副局长英语总结佛教外语交流会 掌声雷动

    forum. Over the past three days, we have not only engaged in friendly discussion, improved our ...techniques such as PPT. The most wonderful point I want to mention, is that the comments given by our ...



  • 坛经思想之圆教旨趣

    that making every one of us more similar, and thus losing our particularities.However, he has only ...acceptance kind of attitude to return our soul to a perfect whole state.From here, we could learn that the ...


