effectively.(2) Even in the most successful studies, however, one element is often ...syllogism in four steps:
(1) earth, and so on. (2) do not have the intrinsic ...
Malcolm D. Eckel
Mother Prajnaparamita alone who turns the wheel of true teaching.(2)
The ...
Miranda Shaw
views or vice versa but rather to place the two within amore inclusive context. [2]
This integrative...
[2] JUNG, C. G. (1943) The psychology of eastern meditation, in: CollectedWorks (Princeton, NJ, ...
John Pickering
Ch'i-sung(a)(1007-1072)(2) are a good example of such a defence. In thesewritings the superiority of...(cv) 2 and 3, Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenky?(cx) 26, 2, March 1978;and 27, 1, 1978. All references...
latter, X, science says that (1) every Y has its X, and that (2) when to a Y is ...wondrous irony of history when we see Science setting out, some 2,400 years ago, on her...
Rhys Davids, C. A. F.
make possible a more fruitful dialogue between Buddhism and psychoanalysis. [2]
William James ... East and West, Vol. XL, no. 2 (April, 1990).
18. Brown, pp. 240-41.
19. Brown, p. 271.
20. Brown...
David Loy
clarification of consciousness." [2] Therefore, although the contributions of Buddhism to revolutionary ...
R. Puligandla and K. Puhakka
Buddhism comes to main street
by Jan Nattier
Wilson Quarterly
Vol. 21 No. 2 Spring.1997
Copyright by Wilson Quarterly
Jan Nattier
possible substitute for the West's old established creeds.(2) John Stuart Mill's grasp... Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley (New York: D. Appleton, 1913), 2 vols. Cf. ...
Jacques Gernet
Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka
by Edmund Perry
The Journal of the America
Vol.117 No.2, Pp.339-342, April-June 1997
COPYRIGHT 1997 American Oriental Society
Edmund Perry