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  • Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and the Buddha

    of the Buddha's final days. [3] The present essay is intended to begin to fill this gap. Such a...

    Matthew Dillon


  • Buddhist Doctrines of Momentariness and Subjective Idealism

    momentariness as found in the Lankavatara-sutra, chap. vi,(3) when, evidently, the ...



  • Divinity in process thought and the Lotus Sutrs

    3] Like much of Buddhism, this Sutra sometimes disdains seeking answers to difficult metaphysical ...3]. I take this to be a religious way of reading the text, or a way of reading the text as a ...

    Reeves, Gene


  • Doing Philosophy and Doing Zen

    easier. [3] If ideas and concepts, or, for that matter, any aspect of the intellect, are by ...

    Charles S. Hardwick


  • Early Buddhism: Some recent misconceptions

    false."(3) Authority and/or reason may give us true beliefs, but that they...attainment for his followers, briefly these are: (3) once returners, not liable to downfall ...

    Henry Cruise


  • Emptiness and moral perfection

    possible moral obligation.(3) In the face of this paradox, the Buddhist ... is clearly seen in such passages as Rat. I.29-30, 35, 38-39, 76, II.3-5,...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia.(book reviews)

    (2) the application of Buddhist teachings to contemporary social realities, and (3) the ...

    Jeffrey R. Timm


  • Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta

    "To the seer, all things have verily become the Self."[3] So the Atman should not be understood as ...

    David Loy


  • Environmental problematics in the Buddhist context

    hkha."(3) In the same vein he asserted: "Whatever is of the nature of arising, all that is ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Essays on the Absolute

    who knows, does not talk - he who talks, knows not LoveyoursOoh Mee Toh hood     p.A3 Ooh Mee Toh...


