Buddhism, [3] and the profound source to which all the Mahayana sutras point. It is vast and unlimited, ...
Chang Chung-Yuan
identical; the seer is the seen and the seen is the seer. [3]
In his chart listing the various ...
David Loy
Eastern asks, What must I do to be saved? [3]
p. 182 Non-I and Thou: Nishida, Buber, and the...
James W. Heisig
purpose we ourselves (or Man) exist."(3)
According to Nishitani, the turn to ... 3 - Nishitani, Religion and Nothingness, pp. 4-5.
4 - lbid., pp. 9-11, 81-82.
Fred Dallmayr
.(3)) here considered as a paradigm example of a mindless trance state) really is ... P3 Any given chain of caused events is beginningless and endless unless brought ...
Paul Griffiths
first Chinese School to welcome it was Taoism. At that time the school of "Ke I"[g][3] explained the ...
Wu Yi
Hence the diagnosis may be one of (I) and (III) (3) "On producing a pitcher, Pai Ching ...) Cheng's cases(1), (2), (3) and (5) seem to from one quite distinct class. A ...
John King-Farlow
religious traditions to
p. 559
education people to maturity; a kind of Big Seven [3] Sunday ...
Robert C. Neville
functionally differentiated structures. [3]
This fits the main examples of transcendence that come ...
David R. Loy
puru.so bhavati? "Where does then ўw at death ўw the man come to be"? (B.rh., 3,2...
Rhys Davids, Caroline A.F.