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  • Philosophy for an age of death

    principles of quantum physics.(3) The convergence theorists find significant ...

    Steven Heine


  • Preparing For Something That Never Happens

    disenchantment of the world.'" [3] Zweckrationalitat is better translated as a purposive-rational or ...

    David R. Loy


  • Problematics of the Buddhist nature of self

    practice.(3) In Buddhism there is an incredible amount of concern for... process that could only lead to bad metaphysics. (3) The third diagram does ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Proto-Maadhyamika in the Paali canon

    arrow(3)---a clear case of methodological silence. One may also subsume under the ...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Realization of Param Bhutakoti (ultimate reality-limit)

    Conze calls the "Hinayanist nirvana" (Perfection, 1973: 321), (3) the true nature ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Relativity in Maadhyamika Buddhism and modern physics

    Buddhism, such as Stcherbatsky(2) and Murti(3) along with modern writers such as ...East and West 22, no. 3 (July 1972): 325-330. P.72 ...

    Victor Mansfield


  • Religion And Moral Meaning In Bioethics

    translation butshould be demonstrated through Christian practices...."(n3) There is, to be sure, an important...Action?," Hastings CenterReport 201 (January/February 1990), 6-7. (n3) Stanley Hauerwas, "The ...

    C.S Campbell


  • Religion and the Market

    . It has achieved an immense influence which dominates contemporary human activity. (Dobell) [3] ...

    David Loy


  • Religious belief in a Buddhist merchant community

    monasteries, rituals, festivals, and community organizations.(3) I present here only the details...

    Todd T. Lewis


  • Vietnamese home temples and the First Amendment

    religious liberty since itwas first set out in Sherbert v. Verner in 1963.[3] That case involved aSeventh-...

    Chloe Anne Breyer

