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  • Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War

    ancient law. (Dhammapada, vv. 3-5, trans. altered) The present Dalai Lama emphasizes the necessity...bread, nor money, and do not have two tunics" (Matthew 9:3). What were both teachers saying? Don't ...

    David R. Loy


  • A Buddhist View of Repression

    Denial of Death and Escape from Evil, cannot be recommended too highly. [3] These figures are ...other in this way. (3) Then birth is no-birth, death is no-death. When there is nothing but ...

    David Loy


  • The No-self Theory

    linguistic analysis or conceptual investigation can be."(3) According to Penelhum, ...

    James Giles


  • The ordination of a tree

    astheir activities have drawn significant attention and media coverage.3 Criticism has been leveled at ...Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 23(4):3-17. Olson, G. 1991. Cries over Spilt Holy Water. Journal ...

    Susan M, Darlington


  • Chih-is System of Sign Interpretation

    studies on the life of Chih-i, authorship of his works, his theories, his thoughts, and so forth,[3] -...period from 1 to 3a.m." (Ch'ou 丑).[15] Adding one stroke on the left, it means "field", (T'ien 田). If ...



  • The paradox of Buddhist wisdom

    strives does not exist."(3) Thus, it would seem that the Buddhist aff irms both A (...of the Praj~naapaaramitaa," Philosophy East and West 3, no. 2 (Jul. 1953): ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    become spring, nor does firewood turn into ashes. [3] The implications of these critiques are ...

    Loy, David


  • The practice of Buddhist economics?: Another view

    organization of "community."[3] Chakravarti, forexample, argues that the Buddha modelled the Sangha ...amp; Sociology, Vol. 49, No. 3 (July, 1990), 339-49.-------, "A Buddhist Economic System--in ...

    Simon Zadek


  • The Practice of Zen

    Chapter 3 there is an interesting comparison of the saint with the sage, but the role     p.351 ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • The Problem of Induction in Indian Philosophy

    mgraha they argued somewhat as follows. [3] Inference is dependent on universal concomitance (vyaapti).... 3 (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1975), p. 536. 6. Potter, Presuppositions, p. 49f. 7. ...

    Roy W. Perrett

