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  • Mountain deities in China:

    fourth century B.C. there was a complex of numinous mountains that were conceived as ...in 559 B.C., a leader of the Rong people comments, "Sire Hui !of Jin^, making ...

    Terry F. Kleeman


  • Nāgārjunas fundamental doctrine of Pratītyasamutpāda

    (b) Causation exists only because phenomenal things (the things we experience) exist by convention and are not things in themselves. We now realize-with (b) replacing (a)-that what Garfield means "...

    Ewing Chinn


  • Nagarjuna and analytic philosophy , Ⅱ

    f. In Brown's terms this can be stated f = f This reduces arithmetically to (B) f= f (B) ... equation (B). We may take this argument as showing formally the critical shortcomings of svabhaava....

    Ives Waldo


  • Notes on the Nagarjunikonda Inscriptions

    the Amaravatr Stapa was commenced in the 2nd century B.C., and enlarged later and ... (Buddhistic Studies, ed. by B. C. Law, p.853) is not warranted by the Tibetan ...

    Dutt, Nalinaksha


  • Buddhism and the ChangingSociety in Modern Ceylon

    Mahinda and Sanghamittā during the reign of King Devanampiya-Tissa[1] in the third century B.C. ...that the Pali Tripitaka was committed to writing in 43 B. C. at the Aluvihāra monastery near Mātala. ...

    W. Pachow


  • The Chronology of the Paala Kings

    Suurapaala II.........................b " Raamapaala............................42 ...------------- 1.Ind. Ant., Vol XIV, p. 140; J.A.S.B., 1906, p. 445. 2.It is quite ...



  • The Doctrines of Perfect Teaching

    when he stayed on Wu-t'ai-shan, see Sung kao-seng chuan 宋高僧传 T 2061: 50.737b...discussed it in the hsn-t'an"; see T 1736: 36.234b17; 248a24; 449b...

    Nalinaksha Dutt


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    but the world is also conceptually extended. For example, suppose individuals A and B are seated on opposite sides of A's desk, so that A sees the drawers of the desk and the top, and B sees...

    David Drake


  • The Study of Buddhism

    era, according to the tradition, already during the time of Asoka in the third century B. C. The ...of Asoka, the middle of the third century B. C., or later. It is impossible to determine to what ...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra


  • Nondualism in Indian philosophy of language

    turns words into a set of mental entities. The second way, (b), that of expanding the meaning of "word" beyond phoneme, morpheme, phrase, clause, and so forth, can also bifurcate: (b-i) By "word"...

    Ashok Aklujkar

