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  • Dhyana: The long, pure look

    moments of spontaneously totalattention to the sustained practice of attention entailed in the act ...clearand whole and round as a drop of water. What is common to them all is onlythat at some point you are ...

    Padma Hejmadi


  • Madhyamaka Buddhism 中观佛学

    associated with the Mahāyāna stream of Buddhist thought. According to Tibetan doxographical literature, ...philosophy but also different understandings of the philosophical tools that are appropriate to its ...



  • Comments on the Paradoxicality of Zen Koans

    Cheng's attempt[1] to apply some techniques of contemporary logical theory to the analysis of the ...speaking, paradoxical. (2) Cheng's mistake arises from a failure to see that one sentence can be used in a...

    Michael E. Levin



    .P.193 Toward a theory of Beneficence To ask for the foundation of morality in normative ethicsis to ask for what makes right acts right. The foundation ofmorality lies in the greatest ...

    Bongkil Chung


  • Chan Historiography and Chan Philosophy

    enlightenment? What methodology or process of cultivation would lead him to this enlightenment as claimed by ...different way: What is enlightenment? Can anyone attain it? How is it to be attained? Why is it ...

    Chung-Ying Cheng


  • Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words

    issue has become more important to Derrida and some of those influenced by his work. [1] In his most protracted discussion to date on the relationship between deconstruction and religion, "Comment ne ...

    David R. Loy


  • Loving the World as Our Own Body

    parameters basic to ethical debate since ancient Greece have been transformed. Until quite recently, the problem of ethics has been what binds us human beings together: how to relate to other people, or to...

    David Loy


  • The Buddhist Aesthetic nature

    ·期刊原文The Buddhist Aesthetic nature: A challenge to rationalism and empiricism by Kenneth K. Inada ...singular wave.As the winds send it close to the reef, it grows into a full size surf withwhite foamy...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Toward Dualism: The Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika Way

    of interpretation not heretofore clearly explained. The third part is devoted to the Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika critique of the Buddhist theory of self. I According to Gotama, [1] the founder of the ...

    Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar


  • Suggestions Regarding Compiling an Abrid

    An issue confronting Buddhism in the modern world is how to promote its scriptures as a ...monastic followers. Buddhism as it has developed historically has to a great extent relied on the ...

    Egil Lothe

