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  • Reflections on the magic mirror:

    writing in the May 1992 issue of The PhysicsTeacher. The problem is that my magic mirror doesn't work ...

    Scot, Morris


  • Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand

    In this "imaginary work of prose", as Alan Klima calls it, we are exposed to a "philosophical ... The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction into another, non-Western historical context....

    Patrice Ladwig


  • The Experience of Buddhism

    of a work like the one under review, it is only natural that much that might have been ...

    John S. Strong


  • The Golden Age of Zen

    192 and 217). Overall, the quality of Wu's thought is evident in numerous ways. Wu's work ...

    John C. Wu


  • The Modern Buddhist-Christian Dialogue

    review. It is not an original work in the study of religion, though, and specialists in Buddhist or ...

    Paul O. Ingram


  • A Buddhist Epic from Thailand

    especially for those who work in Southeast Asian languages other than Thai. While ...

    Michael W. Charney


  • 蒋坚永副局长英语总结佛教外语交流会 掌声雷动

    the translation work of the Second World Buddhism Forum. It is my belief that this seminar is bound ...short, the participants are many and the logistics involved is difficult. However, the work done by ...



  • 以佛学的涅槃思想诠释赫曼·赫塞在《流浪者之歌》所呈现的超验哲学

    Transcendence634.1 The Twin 634.2 Kantian Transcendence69CHAPTER V: Conclusion75WORK CITED80 --------------...” Hermann Hesse: Life, Work, and Criticism. Fredericton, N.B., Canada: York Press, 1984. 21-38.---, ...



  • 坛经思想之圆教旨趣

    the work that we are trying to do. From here, we can see that the main idea of Perfect Teaching in ...of Perfect Teaching in Tan Chin are the work that we are trying to do. From here, we can see that the...



  • 目前佛教建筑之问题与发展

    maintenance.  3.Organization Structure and Interaction of Work Execution  Organize a building work committee ...


