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  • Nagarjuna 龙树

    Nagarjuna (c. 150-250) Often referred to as "the second Buddha" by Tibetan and East Asian Mahayana ...question by Nagarjuna's unique perspective which is grounded in the insight of emptiness (sunyata), a ...



  • A fifteenth-century royal monument in Burma and the seven stations in Buddhist art

    ·期刊原文A fifteenth-century royal monument in Burma and the seven stations in Buddhist art by D.M. Stadtner,Art Bulletin Pp. 39-52 Copyright by Art Bulletin ----------------------------------------...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume I

    the Mongol Empire by David Christian Reviewed by Charles C. Kolb H-Asia H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online October, 1999 Copyright 1999 by H-Net -----------------------------...

    David Christian


  • Saving Time A Buddhist Perspective on the End

    academics, most notably John Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey, have responded by claiming that Americans ...constructions which, once objectified, returns the compliment by objectifying us. For that reason, however, ...

    David R. Loy


  • On the Earliest Path to the Tathagatahood

    agitations caused by unwholesome elements like greed, dukkha etc. but never towards the utter ...earliest path to the Tathaagatahood.   The entire spiritual path traversed by Gotama can be reconstructed ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    latter half of it.(2) On the basis of the archaeological evidence reported by K. R. ...Buddhist philosophy, by D. Kalupahana, similarly takes Subramanian as an authority, yet (...

    Ian Mabbett


  • The Riddle of the First Buddhist Council - A Retrospection

    The problem of the First Council was first raised and discussed in detail by Minayeff in 1887. (1) He...for it was contradicted by traditions of earlier origin. His view as summarised by Poussin(2) may be ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • 新加坡佛学院2008招生简章 BCS Admission Exercise

    developing core English Language skills, followed by a 3-year  undergraduate programme specializing in ...awarded a  Bachelor of Arts’ degree by the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.   2.2、中文部:五年全日制学习——一年预科,四年...



  • 精神食粮

    incessantly being dragging down by delusion (at a base or subtle level) can overcome this problem by thinking ...



  • 岭格萨尔王诞生地简介(中英文)

    choose the proper person by a horse race for the the diffenences in the family,and announced that all ...and Sobo Slaughtered the local People.King Gesar conquered these evil tribes by force,and carried ...


