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  • Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta

    is my true nature. 5. The same point is made in the Oxherding Pictures of Zen: the 9th Picture is "...Zen master Dogen wrote: "I came to realize clearly that [my] mind is nothing other than mountains and ...

    David Loy


  • Existential and Ontological Dimensions of Time in Heidegger

    s famous Zen Buddhist doctrine of uji or"being-time." In this context Heine cites ...understanding of Being and the interpretion of impermanence in Dogen's approach to Zen have...

    Steven Heine


  • 禅话传统中的叙事与修辞结构

    death verses" (yuige) 的使用。可参见 The introduction in Soiku Shigematsu, trans., Zen Forest: Sayingsof ...?度莫林(Heinrich Dumoulin), 《禅宗》(Zen Buddhism: A History, New York: Macmillian, 1988) I, 211-13. 此外,陈观胜...



  • 从道生的顿悟学说分析早期禅的圆顿与次第观念的由来

    Hawaii Press,1987.  2、 Heinrich Dumoulin,Zen Buddhism:A History,Volume1 India and China,New York:...大正藏》卷三七。  慧达,《肇论疏》卷上。  Heinrich Dumoulin,Zen Buddhism:A History,Volume1 India and China,New York:...

    龚 隽


  • 山水诗情,佛理禅机——王维山水诗禅境初探

    poem The Buddhist and Zen Jimmy Fun  ------ The Wang Wei scenery poem at the beginning of zen ...manner of Zen which is peace. He always presented the opinion of Zen by poem ,so there was lonesome ...



  • Bibliography of Buddhist Studies Bibliographies in Western Languages

    Textes.) [Bibliography of texts edited in their original language] Bibliographie du Bouddhisme Zen. ...Bibliography of Translations of Zen (Ch'an) Works." SASAKI, Ruth Fuller. Philosophy East and West ...

    David Loy


  • Dependent origination and the dual-nature of the Japanese Aesthetic

    as the Japanese aesthetic. In Zen and Japanese Culture, Suzuki states that the Japanese aesthetic ...own suchness". [24] Similarly, as Kasulisremarks in Zen Action, Zen Person, "without denying the ...

    Railey, Jennifer McMaho


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    incompatible with some dominant modern interpretations of the Chan/Zen view of language. For instance...Chan at one extremity of this dichotomy. [11] The dominant modern interpretations of the Chan/Zen view ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Mahayana Buddhism and Japanese Thought

    called dhyaana, yoga, or zen. Such is the fundamental framework of the Buddha's ...instance, Zen Buddhism is one of the powerful Mahaayaana branches, and has been deeply ...



  • The spirits of the dead

    popular religiousbeliefs.) Ordinary Buddhist temples do have regular programs of Zen-exercise ...urabon-e). Sodo-shu, one of the Zen sects, recently released statistics about itsmembers' opinion about...

    Takeda John

