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  • Jayatilleke on a Concept of Meaninglessness in the Paali Nikaayas

    ·期刊原文 Jayatilleke on a Concept of Meaninglessness in the Paali NikaayasGEORGE CHATALIAN(Georqe ... pp.67-76Copyright by University of Hawaii Press p.67 IN A RECENT BOOK--perhaps the most ...



  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    ·期刊原文The Taoist Vision: A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature PoetryBy Angela Jung PalandriJournal of ...Hawaii, U.S.A. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • A Discussion on the Determination of the Date of the

    · 期刊原文 A Discussion on the Determination of the Date of the Historical Buddha ...coronation or accession of the emperor A"soka, and this is the approach I adopt here. I consider that ...

    Choong, Mun-keat (Wei-keat)


  • Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism Reviewed by C.W. Huntington Jr... By Jose Ignacio Cabezon. Toward a Comparative Philosophy of Religions, vol. 6. ...

    C.W. Huntington Jr..


  • A Misinterpretation in the First Case of the HEKIGAN ROKU

    ·期刊原文 A Misinterpretation in the First Case of the HEKIGAN ROKU Made by Modern Zen Scholars Tao...remarks (T.E.T. 48, p.140a); in Chinese it bears a double meaning: "Korea" and a "new sieve". Owing to ...

    Tao-Wei Liang


  • A note on the early Buddhist theory of truth

    ·期刊原文 A note on the early Buddhist theory of truth Mark Siderits Philosophy East and West... p.491 Many scholars have held that the Buddha maintained a pragmatic ...

    Mark Siderits


  • A preliminary survey of some early Buddhist manuscripts recently

    ·期刊原文A preliminary survey of some early Buddhist manuscripts recentlyacquired by the British ...recently acquired, with the assistance of an anonymous benefactor, a substantial ...

    Richard Salomon


  • A Study of Svatantrika. By Donald S. Lopez

    ·期刊原文 A Study of Svatantrika. By Donald S. LopezThe Heart Sutra Explained. By Donald S. Lopez ... through their study of the Tibetan traditions, have made a substantial contribution...

    Donald S. Lopez


  • A Most Non-Russian Republic Tends to Its Buddhist Roots

    •期刊原文 A Most Non-Russian Republic Tends to Its Buddhist Roots by Judith Matloff Christian...north of the Caspian Sea, it is a tiny republic settled by nomads who thundered westward on ...

    Judith Matloff


  • Buddhism, activism, and Unknowing: a day with Bernie Glassman

    ·期刊原文 Buddhism, activism, and Unknowing: a day with Bernie Glassman (interview with Zen Peacemaker...------------------------------- A Day with Bernie Glassman ...

    Christopher Queen, Tikkun

