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  • Research on inmates of Tihar Jail, Delhi

    come out of their suffering through the practice of Vipassana. (Amulya Khurana) (P. L. Dhar)...cognitive exercises involved in meditation practice. Jin (1992) has observed the efficacy of Tai chi, a ...

    Dr Amulya Khurana; Prof. P. L.


  • Self-Awakening and Faith-Zen and Christianity

    meditational practice is absolutely central to Zen. In some of its forms it claims for itself a direct ...Buddhist sacred texts (sutra) — and indeed of anything to do with words. The aim of Zen practice — though ...



  • The Lotus Sutra and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

    and religious practice has obtained a historical significance, unmatched by others canons. Not only ...of the community, or in some meticulous analysis and explanations of the doctrine, put into practice ...

    He Jingsong


  • The place of Buddhism in Santayanas moral philosophy

    place'. And this in turn meansthat its 'experiment in redemption' takes the form of a practice ...liberate the individual through a practice of detachment isof course not news to anyone familiar with ...

    John Magnus Michelsen


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    for cultivated practice and the significance of Esoteric rituals, he changed his ...words, according to Dogen the practice of the Buddhist path becomes possible only by ...

    Kiyotaka Kimura


  • The Translation of the Term Samskara

    important words like practice, conduct, path, meditation, yoga, duties, etc. all connected with the ...prayoga, effort, practice], 作功用心[creative intention, aspiration], 功用and功能 [determination, power, ...

    Ven. Hsing-kong


  • A review article on Dogen scholarship in English

    Tendai practice and Tendai teaching. In the practice halls, he learned that ...appropriately, dissolved). Violating the common practice, he claimed that he brought ...

    T. P. Kasulis


  • A critical look at the Chinese martial arts

    connections to take advantage of the multitude, and practice supernatural evils to delude the ...in practice by the early fifth century whenthe Hou. Han shu was written, and so commonplace as to ...

    Charles Holcombe


  • Whiteheads `actual entity and the Buddhas anaatman

    considering the fact that there has been continuity in Buddhist faith and practice up to the ...practice' must lie within the scope of the metaphysical description. When the ...

    Kenneth K.Inada


  • Two Paradigms of Humanistic Buddhist Movements

    Buddhism advocated reviving what they saw as the 'pure' practice of the path. Meditation appealed to the...today. He probably was influenced in this by Guru Ratnakara who has included yoga in his practice for ...

    George D. Bond

